Need better assembly tools, pretty easy to assemble though. Not very high off of floor and doesnt have any storage in it, but can fit some small items under it. Seems sturdy Works great!
Oh my word, this bed frame was the easiest thing Ive ever put together. Lit a lil green and had the frame put together within 30 mins. Solid and basic.
Very easy to assemble and looks exactly like the pictures. Slats seems durable and I like how they stick to the side of the frame. My only concern is that the middle Legs do not touch the floor Smaller than I expected.
Bought this because I moved into a new home and old box spring wouldnt fit up the stairs. This came in easy to unbox, carry and assemble pieces. Put it together in about 30 minutes. Comes with the right tools to do so easily. Is sturdy and attractive. My only issue is that the directions only have pics and no words. A personal pet peeve of mine, but not that big of a deal overall. Highly recommend this bed as a great deal for the money. Quality products.
First one that came was the wrong size and in a damaged box which was a huge hassle. The correct size frame was easy and quick to assemble (not sure about solo assembly). It is sturdy and looks great with enough space underneath for some storage. Nice product.
Easy to assemble, sturdy not very high off floor
Need better assembly tools, pretty easy to assemble though. Not very high off of floor and doesnt have any storage in it, but can fit some small items under it. Seems sturdy Works great!
Used item sold as new
Missing vital parts required for assembly (legs, screws).
Good frame
Looks nice good quality for price Very pleased!
Great quality!
This bedframe was so easy to assemble! Great quality for the price! Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Oh my word, this bed frame was the easiest thing Ive ever put together. Lit a lil green and had the frame put together within 30 mins. Solid and basic.
Simple, easy minimal
Very easy to assemble and looks exactly like the pictures. Slats seems durable and I like how they stick to the side of the frame. My only concern is that the middle Legs do not touch the floor Smaller than I expected.
SO Easy to set up!
Holy crap!! It literally came with 2 screws and was up in 10 mins!!! Yesssss! Nice well made.
Great product!
Bought this because I moved into a new home and old box spring wouldnt fit up the stairs. This came in easy to unbox, carry and assemble pieces. Put it together in about 30 minutes. Comes with the right tools to do so easily. Is sturdy and attractive. My only issue is that the directions only have pics and no words. A personal pet peeve of mine, but not that big of a deal overall. Highly recommend this bed as a great deal for the money. Quality products.
Got wrong size but correct size is great
First one that came was the wrong size and in a damaged box which was a huge hassle. The correct size frame was easy and quick to assemble (not sure about solo assembly). It is sturdy and looks great with enough space underneath for some storage. Nice product.
Cant believe it doesnt offer the ability to attach a headboard.
great bed, easy to assemble, but what a downer Pretty sturdy. Good size.
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