My grandson loves his new bed. It was pretty easy to put together, my son did it alone and it took about an hour or so. It is super sturdy and the slide works great! The kids slide down really easily, not too fast but not too slow either! so beautiful and wonderful
Very easy to put together, took about 1 hour to comolete. Quality is very good and feels very safe for my 4 year old. He absolutely loves the slide.
Only downside is the ladder is a little painful on the feet. I will definitely look for some sort of padding to put on the ladder. Im happy with my purchase
My kids love this. Its for my 4 year old, and my 2 year old is always in his room with him playing around on it. The edges are definitely sharp and dangerous though like the other reviews say. Recommend that you get some rubber or foam to somehow stick or place around the corners at minimum. Otherwise youre just waiting for a bad skin gash or injury. Pretty comfy for the price
Very happy with the quality, assembly instruction and overall appearance. I added pool noodles on the edges to keep from any bumps. 11/30/19/ as a follow up to original rating. The frame has held up great, never had to go back and tighten anything. Adds a a nice play area under the bed which we have sometimes closed in with some sheets to create a fort like atmosphere with some stick on LED puck lights. it is the best product.
Easy to install with minimal effort, Im a 20s 6ft male with experience crafting, so take the ease judgement with some salt. Everything functions as it should, no missing parts, slide works wonderfully if the little ones wear shorts or even diapers. Underneath storage space is great for a number of ideas, use your imagination. We turned it into a garage for all of the ride/along/push cars that were taking up space elsewhere, it easily fits a large dog bed, two tricycles, and a car we use outside. I would recommend this product to anyone with kids who love fun and exciting play/on furniture. No complaints, really happy
Son loves this bed. Only 3yrs old and has had falls or accidents. It is very sturdy and the slide is his favorite. We also bought the firetruck cover for the bottom and it makes a nice fort he also loves. simple yet awesome design
It was pretty easy to put together
My grandson loves his new bed. It was pretty easy to put together, my son did it alone and it took about an hour or so. It is super sturdy and the slide works great! The kids slide down really easily, not too fast but not too slow either! so beautiful and wonderful
Good purchase.
Very easy to put together, took about 1 hour to comolete. Quality is very good and feels very safe for my 4 year old. He absolutely loves the slide. Only downside is the ladder is a little painful on the feet. I will definitely look for some sort of padding to put on the ladder. Im happy with my purchase
My kids love this. Its for my 4 year old
My kids love this. Its for my 4 year old, and my 2 year old is always in his room with him playing around on it. The edges are definitely sharp and dangerous though like the other reviews say. Recommend that you get some rubber or foam to somehow stick or place around the corners at minimum. Otherwise youre just waiting for a bad skin gash or injury. Pretty comfy for the price
easy assembly!
My 3 yr son (and his 6 yr sister) loves this bed ! Well made, easy assembly ! Highly recommend
Five Stars
My son adores this bed. Assembly was easier than expected. Does take two people. Quality seems to be good so far
Great bed
Sturdy and easy enough for one person to assemble. My son enjoys this bed. Well made and comfy!
Great quality product, son loves it.
Very happy with the quality, assembly instruction and overall appearance. I added pool noodles on the edges to keep from any bumps. 11/30/19/ as a follow up to original rating. The frame has held up great, never had to go back and tighten anything. Adds a a nice play area under the bed which we have sometimes closed in with some sheets to create a fort like atmosphere with some stick on LED puck lights. it is the best product.
Fun, safe, and easy to install.
Easy to install with minimal effort, Im a 20s 6ft male with experience crafting, so take the ease judgement with some salt. Everything functions as it should, no missing parts, slide works wonderfully if the little ones wear shorts or even diapers. Underneath storage space is great for a number of ideas, use your imagination. We turned it into a garage for all of the ride/along/push cars that were taking up space elsewhere, it easily fits a large dog bed, two tricycles, and a car we use outside. I would recommend this product to anyone with kids who love fun and exciting play/on furniture. No complaints, really happy
Looks cool too
Difficult to put together by yourself but study and my son loves it! Looks cool too I totally recommend it
Good product
Son loves this bed. Only 3yrs old and has had falls or accidents. It is very sturdy and the slide is his favorite. We also bought the firetruck cover for the bottom and it makes a nice fort he also loves. simple yet awesome design
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