I love this bed frame. My toddler thinks it is very fun, he enjoys sleeping in it as well as just sitting and playing in it. It was very easy to assemble, it took maybe 45 minutes even with distractions in between. It feels very sturdy considering its just some wooden pieces screwed together. It doesnt feel cheap. Seems great for the amount of money. Pay attention to the pictures!
Its really cute, and my son really likes it. Its not completely sturdy though, and Im thankful that my husband is an engineer so he could give it a final inspection. His plan is to add a few elbow joint supports at the top. Its definitely not something that can ever be climbed on, so if you have a climber Id use caution. It was a pain to install, but overall we really like it for the price. Beds like this are usually twice the price. Love it
This house frame looks great above our kids twin mattress and is exactly as described. We add small LED twinkle lights to complete the look. A good purchase! We have no dislikes
My daughter feels like the queen of her domain! She feels so much confidence in having her own space and her imagination has soared! Best purchase ever! It was packaged nicely
It took my boyfriend and I about 3 hours to assemble. We ended up 1 bolt screw short but we had substituted the hold with another bolt we had from other projects. I thought their was two twin beds. Unfortunately its a loft bed with a fold out couch/pad. Its pretty cool. My boys love it and could care less. The shelving is super convinent. Please make sure you screw it to the wall. It gets top heavy when climbing the ladder. Great bed! Fast shipping! Just wish the directions explained a little better. LOVE LOVE!!
This loft bed is exactly what we wanted! So happy with it. My husband assembled it 2 evenings after work, by himself. The bed is pretty sturdy and the benches are comfortable enough for adults or kids. Its exactly as pictured. The only potential drawback is that the ladder goes straight up, there is no angle to it. You have to be careful going up or down. FYI converting the table to a bottom bunk requires unscrewing the table in a few places (4 screws I think). Its not something we will do a lot, but its nice to have the option. ok value for the money
The bed looks good once put together but it IS NOT STURDY at all! Changing the bottom level from a bench to a bed is extremely difficult. Considering returning
Comes white we painted 2 coats with a quart of vaspar in one early start day. Instructions are easy to follow. No missing hardware Desk, bed and a guest bed. Very functional. Exactly what I was looking for
Takes some tools to assemble but easy.
Used this as a Toddler bed. Did not disappoint
High quality product
Very good product ! High quality wood and easy assembly. The bed is firm and beautiful! You wont regret it!
Very cool
I love this bed frame. My toddler thinks it is very fun, he enjoys sleeping in it as well as just sitting and playing in it. It was very easy to assemble, it took maybe 45 minutes even with distractions in between. It feels very sturdy considering its just some wooden pieces screwed together. It doesnt feel cheap. Seems great for the amount of money. Pay attention to the pictures!
Overall a good purchase, but needs added support
Its really cute, and my son really likes it. Its not completely sturdy though, and Im thankful that my husband is an engineer so he could give it a final inspection. His plan is to add a few elbow joint supports at the top. Its definitely not something that can ever be climbed on, so if you have a climber Id use caution. It was a pain to install, but overall we really like it for the price. Beds like this are usually twice the price. Love it
Looks great in our kids room
This house frame looks great above our kids twin mattress and is exactly as described. We add small LED twinkle lights to complete the look. A good purchase! We have no dislikes
Best item Ive ever bought!
My daughter feels like the queen of her domain! She feels so much confidence in having her own space and her imagination has soared! Best purchase ever! It was packaged nicely
Directions are kind of confusing
It took my boyfriend and I about 3 hours to assemble. We ended up 1 bolt screw short but we had substituted the hold with another bolt we had from other projects. I thought their was two twin beds. Unfortunately its a loft bed with a fold out couch/pad. Its pretty cool. My boys love it and could care less. The shelving is super convinent. Please make sure you screw it to the wall. It gets top heavy when climbing the ladder. Great bed! Fast shipping! Just wish the directions explained a little better. LOVE LOVE!!
awesome bed for kids
This loft bed is exactly what we wanted! So happy with it. My husband assembled it 2 evenings after work, by himself. The bed is pretty sturdy and the benches are comfortable enough for adults or kids. Its exactly as pictured. The only potential drawback is that the ladder goes straight up, there is no angle to it. You have to be careful going up or down. FYI converting the table to a bottom bunk requires unscrewing the table in a few places (4 screws I think). Its not something we will do a lot, but its nice to have the option. ok value for the money
The bed looks great but isnt sturdy at all!
The bed looks good once put together but it IS NOT STURDY at all! Changing the bottom level from a bench to a bed is extremely difficult. Considering returning
good value
Comes white we painted 2 coats with a quart of vaspar in one early start day. Instructions are easy to follow. No missing hardware Desk, bed and a guest bed. Very functional. Exactly what I was looking for
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