The bed was easy to assemble but certain parts or pieces were either too big or too small so I had to make due with what I had. Other then that its a nice bed for your kid especially when you had led lights underneath! cant praise it enough!
We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it. still feels plenty sturdy
I love this bed!! Its perfect! Well made and sturdy! So easy to put together the directions are very clear and Im super satisfied with my purchase would deff. Reccommend Best choice
I got two loft beds, for my two youngest daughters, to help give them some room to play. My youngest got this bed and absolutely loves playing under it, which I adorned with the castle skirting and some RGB/IC lights. Shes happy with her big girl bed and I couldnt be happier with how great this bed is!! Comes as shown in picture.
Our 12/year/old son loves his bed. He has plenty of space underneath to store his things. And its just tall enough that the dog cant sleep with him at night Be sure to have it
Bought this for my sons room. They are 9 and 5. My 5 year old is cry and I didnt want something high off the ground like normal bunk beds where he could fall and get hurt. The size of this worked perfect. I put a mattress under the bottom and thats his bottom bunk.
It does chip very easily. Anytime they bump into it with something, it takes a big chunk out then then the wood is really rough.
For the price, its nice and looks good. But other than that its nice
Bought one for my daughter and she loves it then my son wanted one too so I just bought another. Theyre pretty solid. The instructions were perfect! I didnt get confused at all
My 8 year old loves it! The wood under the bed is a little spaced out so I am getting a flat bunkie board to go underneath the mattress, but it is super sturdy, and it wasnt THAT bad to put together. A little sweat, but worth it to see my daughters face light up with her surprise room makeover! This was a great investment. Not a lot of space underneath but perfect for children to use as a little reading book or playing with toys. Definitely recommended! Needs better support
All the reviews said that the wood was cracking easily before I bought it. Its very true. Very cheap soft plywood or something cheap. Its been holding up still for a couple of months now. And its a beautiful bed. But I make sure not to allow her to jump in the bed or anything. There are a couple of cracks already but that happened when I was building it unfortunately. I used a little tape and gorilla glue over the crack. I couldnt afford the pricier loft beds at the moment so if I can get a year or so out of this bed before it breaks down I guess it was worth it. BUT if you can afford the more expensive and durable ones, then stop being cheap and buy it. Those are worth it! so you get what you pay for.
Nice bed for kid
The bed was easy to assemble but certain parts or pieces were either too big or too small so I had to make due with what I had. Other then that its a nice bed for your kid especially when you had led lights underneath! cant praise it enough!
My son loves his bed
We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it. still feels plenty sturdy
So glad I boughtvthis
I love this bed!! Its perfect! Well made and sturdy! So easy to put together the directions are very clear and Im super satisfied with my purchase would deff. Reccommend Best choice
I got two loft beds, for my two youngest daughters, to help give them some room to play. My youngest got this bed and absolutely loves playing under it, which I adorned with the castle skirting and some RGB/IC lights. Shes happy with her big girl bed and I couldnt be happier with how great this bed is!! Comes as shown in picture.
Son loves bed, dog not so much
Our 12/year/old son loves his bed. He has plenty of space underneath to store his things. And its just tall enough that the dog cant sleep with him at night Be sure to have it
Just eh. Chips easily
Bought this for my sons room. They are 9 and 5. My 5 year old is cry and I didnt want something high off the ground like normal bunk beds where he could fall and get hurt. The size of this worked perfect. I put a mattress under the bottom and thats his bottom bunk. It does chip very easily. Anytime they bump into it with something, it takes a big chunk out then then the wood is really rough. For the price, its nice and looks good. But other than that its nice
Have 2
Bought one for my daughter and she loves it then my son wanted one too so I just bought another. Theyre pretty solid. The instructions were perfect! I didnt get confused at all
Buy it !
My 8 year old loves it! The wood under the bed is a little spaced out so I am getting a flat bunkie board to go underneath the mattress, but it is super sturdy, and it wasnt THAT bad to put together. A little sweat, but worth it to see my daughters face light up with her surprise room makeover! This was a great investment. Not a lot of space underneath but perfect for children to use as a little reading book or playing with toys. Definitely recommended! Needs better support
Pretty but cheap wood
All the reviews said that the wood was cracking easily before I bought it. Its very true. Very cheap soft plywood or something cheap. Its been holding up still for a couple of months now. And its a beautiful bed. But I make sure not to allow her to jump in the bed or anything. There are a couple of cracks already but that happened when I was building it unfortunately. I used a little tape and gorilla glue over the crack. I couldnt afford the pricier loft beds at the moment so if I can get a year or so out of this bed before it breaks down I guess it was worth it. BUT if you can afford the more expensive and durable ones, then stop being cheap and buy it. Those are worth it! so you get what you pay for.
Great bed for kids
Its a great bed my daughter loves it and I dont have to worry about her falling out of it very pleasantly surprised
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