Love the quality, easy to assemble, my husband did most of it by himself, very sturdy for my 3 year old daughter. She loves it! Enough room for her to hide out in the bottom It looks nice
Just moved my toddler from his crib to this bed. He loves it and underneath is great for storing extra toys, diapers and building a fort. I Would definitely buy again
I love the fact that its not so tall my kids can go up and down like nothing!!! Exactly what I was looking for! It is sturdy and easy to assemble Modern, comfortable and great value
The instructions and assembly were simple and sturdy. Very pleased with how it looks and love the height.
The width of the frame is a little tight for our desire to change sheets often.
And I was shipped a grey bed instead of the blue. Overall, great value for the price.
Its shorter than it looked online, only one board was warped but still fit ok. Shipping took over a week pretty long considering its a Prime item. Also I purchased 2 but butnsecond I received was a bunkbed and has to go back. And the replacement should be here in 2 days. So why didnt the first delivery take 2 days. This product was just what I needed
We just started putting it together when we realized that it would not work for us. The space under the top bunk was just too small. If we placed a thin mattress under there our grandsons head would be touching the bottom of the top bunk. There just isnt enough head room under the top bunk for play or sleeping. Considering returning
Actually made with wood, not particule wood. Very surprised very sturdy. Although I did add a base to help support the bed which will slip through the bats for any one over 90 lbs. Good Quality for Cost
Great bed
Love the quality, easy to assemble, my husband did most of it by himself, very sturdy for my 3 year old daughter. She loves it! Enough room for her to hide out in the bottom It looks nice
Great bed and value.
Just moved my toddler from his crib to this bed. He loves it and underneath is great for storing extra toys, diapers and building a fort. I Would definitely buy again
Great value
I love the fact that its not so tall my kids can go up and down like nothing!!! Exactly what I was looking for! It is sturdy and easy to assemble Modern, comfortable and great value
Love it!
Very sturdy and absolutely perfect for my grandson. It is beautiful and functional.
Super Easy Setup
The instructions and assembly were simple and sturdy. Very pleased with how it looks and love the height. The width of the frame is a little tight for our desire to change sheets often. And I was shipped a grey bed instead of the blue. Overall, great value for the price.
Nice bed for a small room
Its shorter than it looked online, only one board was warped but still fit ok. Shipping took over a week pretty long considering its a Prime item. Also I purchased 2 but butnsecond I received was a bunkbed and has to go back. And the replacement should be here in 2 days. So why didnt the first delivery take 2 days. This product was just what I needed
Smaller than expected
We just started putting it together when we realized that it would not work for us. The space under the top bunk was just too small. If we placed a thin mattress under there our grandsons head would be touching the bottom of the top bunk. There just isnt enough head room under the top bunk for play or sleeping. Considering returning
nice I honestly love
Actually made with wood, not particule wood. Very surprised very sturdy. Although I did add a base to help support the bed which will slip through the bats for any one over 90 lbs. Good Quality for Cost
Sturdy and Safe
Very sturdy and safe We all love it!
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