This Pantry Cabinet arrived faster than expected it was a day early. Super easy to assemble. All pieces present and accounted for. Great color/style. A tad flimsier than expected but still good. The only issue was that several corners were dented but I figure that could be mishandling during shipment and delivery.
Bought one pantry for my food and it looks so much nicer than the bookcase I was using. I do wish it was a bit taller with one more shelf but that isnt any fault of this product as it clearly states the dimensions. It has 4 very sturdy shelves. I have one shelf full of cans (not on the bottom) and it holds them fine without bowing down in the middle over time. I liked it so much I bought another one. Very easy to secure in the wall stud and doesnt shake once secured. Shelves are nice and tall to fit cereal boxes and stacked items.
Great color
As expected
Storage for kitchen, fits in perfectly.
Pantry Cabinet
This Pantry Cabinet arrived faster than expected it was a day early. Super easy to assemble. All pieces present and accounted for. Great color/style. A tad flimsier than expected but still good. The only issue was that several corners were dented but I figure that could be mishandling during shipment and delivery.
Decent for its price. Took about 20 minutes to put together. Wish it was slightly taller but looks great
Good product
Good product for what I needed
Loved it!
I used mine as an extra pantry.
Easy to install and setup. Works great.
Satisfied great for storing snacks
Beautiful pantry cabinets
Bought one pantry for my food and it looks so much nicer than the bookcase I was using. I do wish it was a bit taller with one more shelf but that isnt any fault of this product as it clearly states the dimensions. It has 4 very sturdy shelves. I have one shelf full of cans (not on the bottom) and it holds them fine without bowing down in the middle over time. I liked it so much I bought another one. Very easy to secure in the wall stud and doesnt shake once secured. Shelves are nice and tall to fit cereal boxes and stacked items.
Storage cabinet
Good with storage I put all my dishes in it and might order another one soon for other uses
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