I originally received the item with missing parts to the shelf, and the height advertised for the product from floor to the first shelf was inaccurate. However, the seller has since offered to send replacement parts.
Overall the quality of the product is good for the price you pay. Wish it was a little taller, however as said it is a decent deal. Shelves have fair amount of storage side and the quality of the paint seems pretty good.
Just moved into a small apartment, and this was the perfect solution to creating more storage space in the bathroom. The doors hang a little unevenly, but overall, its a nice product.
Very well designed piece of furniture that fit right in with our bathroom. Unless you have experience with assembly of furniture, this will be very difficult to assemble for the novice. To get the lower half assembled behind the toilet, I had to partially assemble the right half, slide it behind and attach the left side with a shorty screwdriver to fit it between the wall and the sink.
Exactly what I wanted except I dont know why the wood smells. I have had it put together for several months but still has an odor like a fire pit or something.
Affordable and stylish, with plenty of room for vanity items. Also, this unit leaves room to lift the toilet cover should you need to. I would recommend this product. The color white is a bright white, clean looking.
I thought it would be taller, but that is on me. I was paying more attention to the width. I also wish I would have noticed that it isnt very deep. It is deep enough for 1 roll of toilet paper. The other thing is it is very unstable, so they give you screws to screw to the wall. The unit sits about 2 inches from the wall, so if you attach it, it leans back.
Over all, Im not impressed, overall, it is much smaller than I imagined.
I was very happy with this purchase. It took me a little longer to put together but i followed the directions exactly and i did it. Quality is very durable and study.
Clean and Tidy
Pretty easy to assemble. Looks clean and not bulky and has a lot of space to put things that were clogging up my counters. Also seems stable.
Seller fixed my order / overall solid product
//EDIT// I originally received the item with missing parts to the shelf, and the height advertised for the product from floor to the first shelf was inaccurate. However, the seller has since offered to send replacement parts. Overall the quality of the product is good for the price you pay. Wish it was a little taller, however as said it is a decent deal. Shelves have fair amount of storage side and the quality of the paint seems pretty good.
Good Storage Solution
Just moved into a small apartment, and this was the perfect solution to creating more storage space in the bathroom. The doors hang a little unevenly, but overall, its a nice product.
Excellent engineering, difficult to assemble
Very well designed piece of furniture that fit right in with our bathroom. Unless you have experience with assembly of furniture, this will be very difficult to assemble for the novice. To get the lower half assembled behind the toilet, I had to partially assemble the right half, slide it behind and attach the left side with a shorty screwdriver to fit it between the wall and the sink.
Not bad product
Good product for a rental home we will be in for a few years. It is a little dinky as far as wobbly but over all good deal.
It works great but the wood smells
Exactly what I wanted except I dont know why the wood smells. I have had it put together for several months but still has an odor like a fire pit or something.
Easy install and looks great
Affordable and stylish, with plenty of room for vanity items. Also, this unit leaves room to lift the toilet cover should you need to. I would recommend this product. The color white is a bright white, clean looking.
Over toilet cabinet
Bathroom storage
Nice, but not impressed
I thought it would be taller, but that is on me. I was paying more attention to the width. I also wish I would have noticed that it isnt very deep. It is deep enough for 1 roll of toilet paper. The other thing is it is very unstable, so they give you screws to screw to the wall. The unit sits about 2 inches from the wall, so if you attach it, it leans back. Over all, Im not impressed, overall, it is much smaller than I imagined.
Love it !!!!
I was very happy with this purchase. It took me a little longer to put together but i followed the directions exactly and i did it. Quality is very durable and study.
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