Great trampoline great way to get exercise while its cold outside.
The reason I gave 4 stars is because the item is listed as portable/foldable. Thats why I purchased it. The description should be changed because it is misleading. There are no directions on how to fold it up for storage between use / just directions on putting it together. You would have to take it apart to store it then reassemble it to use it again.
Its a great, sturdy product but if you are looking to store it between use, this is not the one you want.
Purchased this as a gift for our 5 year old grandson. We were nicely surprised that it came assembled just needing the legs attached. They were easy to put on. Our grandson has enjoyed bouncing!
I bought this little trampoline for my wife and she loves it. We love the sturdiness of the tramp and the spring cover so her foot wont go through the springs and hit the floor. We believe it is solid enough so that she gets to use it for many years to come. I would recommend this trampoline to anyone.
This bouncy mini trampoline comes with an adjustable handrail which I really like for stability and confidence. The company was great about handling a question I pondered after reading the manual: To use shoes, or not to choose shoes? A: Bare feet is best!
Decent trampoline. I like the springs / hold more tension. Better for preventing ankles from turning in. The handle is rather wobbly, but other than that a decent trampoline for the price. Great for helping everyone burn off a little extra energy when stuck inside for the winter months.
I was surprised and pleased with the quality. At this price it is well worth much more. It is well made of sturdy pieces, it has a good firm jumping mat, and the handle is easily adjustable. I like the steel springs.
Good trampoline
This is a very good trampoline I find myself bouncing on it a very light I like this and suggest that you buy this trampoline
Sturdy but not portable/foldable
Great trampoline great way to get exercise while its cold outside. The reason I gave 4 stars is because the item is listed as portable/foldable. Thats why I purchased it. The description should be changed because it is misleading. There are no directions on how to fold it up for storage between use / just directions on putting it together. You would have to take it apart to store it then reassemble it to use it again. Its a great, sturdy product but if you are looking to store it between use, this is not the one you want.
My nephew loves its
Easy to assemble, I use this as a gift for my nephew. He loves trampoline
Recommended purchase
Purchased this as a gift for our 5 year old grandson. We were nicely surprised that it came assembled just needing the legs attached. They were easy to put on. Our grandson has enjoyed bouncing!
Great Deal!!!
Purchased this for my 7 year old daughter. Wonderful product!!! She loves her gift!!!
Excellent exercise trampoline
I bought this little trampoline for my wife and she loves it. We love the sturdiness of the tramp and the spring cover so her foot wont go through the springs and hit the floor. We believe it is solid enough so that she gets to use it for many years to come. I would recommend this trampoline to anyone.
Great trampoline for adults and kids
Great trampoline for adults and kids. You can adjust the bar to different heights. Very easy to assemble.
Nice and Stable Jumping
This bouncy mini trampoline comes with an adjustable handrail which I really like for stability and confidence. The company was great about handling a question I pondered after reading the manual: To use shoes, or not to choose shoes? A: Bare feet is best!
Decent trampoline for the price
Decent trampoline. I like the springs / hold more tension. Better for preventing ankles from turning in. The handle is rather wobbly, but other than that a decent trampoline for the price. Great for helping everyone burn off a little extra energy when stuck inside for the winter months.
Happy Senior
I was surprised and pleased with the quality. At this price it is well worth much more. It is well made of sturdy pieces, it has a good firm jumping mat, and the handle is easily adjustable. I like the steel springs.
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