Works well.It was easy to assemble of course I had help and extra tools, its pretty sturdy, it is high off the ground so you should be able to easily fit some of the shorter toes underneath without issue. Both of my puppies can walk underneath it without issues yet. And one has claimed underneath my bed as her bed or safe zone.
Good Product. What? A product that requires assembly, where all the holes line up and there is even an extra nut bolt here or there? Wow! Ive put a few requires assembly things together in my life and have always had to re/drill or muscle something into place. This was a pleasant experience, by comparison.
For the money, I dont think a better frame can be found. Very satisfied with the purchase.
It was easy. 1st of all, this frame alleviated the need for a box spring! Cha/Ching! Thats an 80 save! 2nd, the price is super affordable! I would definitely buy again!
Easy to assemble
Beautiful and Sturdy. Quick and easy to assemble, very light!!!!
What a great bed frame!!
It works. This was so quick and easy to assemble. It looks great in our guest room!
It is a tad tall so my 16 year old lab cant get on the bed.
Works well.It was easy to assemble of course I had help and extra tools, its pretty sturdy, it is high off the ground so you should be able to easily fit some of the shorter toes underneath without issue. Both of my puppies can walk underneath it without issues yet. And one has claimed underneath my bed as her bed or safe zone.
Well designed built
Good Product. What? A product that requires assembly, where all the holes line up and there is even an extra nut bolt here or there? Wow! Ive put a few requires assembly things together in my life and have always had to re/drill or muscle something into place. This was a pleasant experience, by comparison. For the money, I dont think a better frame can be found. Very satisfied with the purchase.
Great value for your money !
Perfect. They look good. Easy to put together and take apart. And affordable !
Bought this for my 9 year old
Easy set up. After finally getting this put together my son likes it
Cute. We bought this for my son! For the price its worth it!!
Great product for the price
He loves it. Very happy with this frame. Its sturdy and had all parts.
Super happy with this product!
It was easy. 1st of all, this frame alleviated the need for a box spring! Cha/Ching! Thats an 80 save! 2nd, the price is super affordable! I would definitely buy again!
Great value. Very sturdy. So cute, very easy to assemble, perfect height off the ground.
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