There were a few bolts that did not match up but everything is sturdy and secure. My kids love the bed. It only took 2 grown adults 4 hours to build. Instructions were like a Lego manual.
Definitely not as sturdy as Id like. Lots of sway to it and makes noise with every move. Plastic pieces that hold slats in place keep turning up around the house , broken. Seems super safe not happy with this purchase and will be replacing my kids bed asap.
This is a good buy. Assembly took a while but it was not too difficult. Without good instructions the assembly could have been challenging. Follow the instructions carefully or you will be disassembling to fix it. I hope it withstands the use.
UPDATE: Assembled a second one of these this past weekend. This one is great too. I was glad to have the hex tool they provided but an actual hex screwdriver made the assembly on the second one much easier. Follow instructions carefully to avoid assembling pieces backwards or upside down.
Nice bed
Went together well, instructions easy to read and those who have slept on it say its very comfortable. We have no dislikes
Strong and attractive.
Well built, attractive, functional. Lousy instructions, if at all. Important that things go together in a certain sequence. It was packaged nicely
Great bed
There were a few bolts that did not match up but everything is sturdy and secure. My kids love the bed. It only took 2 grown adults 4 hours to build. Instructions were like a Lego manual.
You get what you pay for.
Definitely not as sturdy as Id like. Lots of sway to it and makes noise with every move. Plastic pieces that hold slats in place keep turning up around the house , broken. Seems super safe not happy with this purchase and will be replacing my kids bed asap.
Good bunk bed
Bunk bed is very sturdy and very easy to assemble yourself. LOVE LOVE!!
Great for my two boys
Love love love! Got a full size faux temperpedic mattress for it and they love it!! Easy to assemble and very sturdy. ok value for the money
They like it
The boys like it, it is sturdy. Exactly what I was looking for
great bed!
This is fantastic! My kids love it.
Good Buy
This is a good buy. Assembly took a while but it was not too difficult. Without good instructions the assembly could have been challenging. Follow the instructions carefully or you will be disassembling to fix it. I hope it withstands the use. UPDATE: Assembled a second one of these this past weekend. This one is great too. I was glad to have the hex tool they provided but an actual hex screwdriver made the assembly on the second one much easier. Follow instructions carefully to avoid assembling pieces backwards or upside down.
Quality of the product
Faster delivery and highly recommend, item is the greatest bed strong and nice Value is good for the price
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