Our grandson immediately went into his house bed after it was set up. He didnt miss his crib at all. Its sturdy and super cute too! This was told to us by his parents. Great price and somewhat durable.
I didnt like that the bed was on the floor (no platform with it) However the sustained service dept was responsive and very helpful. I give them 5 stars for customer service which in this industry is a big deal! thanks great product.
This is higher quality and looks great! Our daughter loves it. It is much safer for her, if she figures out a way to fall out, its only a 12 drop to the floor. easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
It is so cute and we love the bed. It did however take a very long time to assemble. Instructions were not clear and accurate at all!!! Looks solid, easy to assemble.
This is a fun, fairly sturdy product. would have given it four stars/ Except for assembly issues. The instructions had many typos (pieces mislabelled/swapped) that meant we had to re/do a few steps and was quite frustrating. Also the drill holes arent great/ so we had some split wood. Now that its built, its very study and looks great. Our mattress is very deep (13 inches) so the fence just comes up to the sides. so were adding bed raisers to get the fence up higher and give it a cozier feel. The kid loves it. Not sure how im going to make the bed. Super small!
Very easy to put together. It was missing one screw which was for the little chimney. However it didnt make a huge different or mess with the structure of the bed I am happy with my purchase! Also it came within a week which was so much sooner than the original arrival date given. Works great!!
This bed is great for kiddos who are developmentally delayed! My kiddo has significant delays and needed a slow transition from a crib to a big girl bed. This was a great solution for that! She is not afraid of the bed and has an easy time sleeping in it. Very Sturdy product.
The house bed is very cute, may be a little confusing to assemble and one of the pieces of wood was slightly splintered. Fortunately for that its a piece that faces out so it wont scratch my daughter and it is also not weight bearing or structural yes we like it.
Grandson Loves His House Bed
Our grandson immediately went into his house bed after it was set up. He didnt miss his crib at all. Its sturdy and super cute too! This was told to us by his parents. Great price and somewhat durable.
Absolutely perfect.
No complaints whatsoever. Just follow the instructions and youll have the perfect bedframe put up in no time. Looks nice and sturdy.
Customer Service Wonderful, Bed not the best quality
I didnt like that the bed was on the floor (no platform with it) However the sustained service dept was responsive and very helpful. I give them 5 stars for customer service which in this industry is a big deal! thanks great product.
Takes a while to put together
This is higher quality and looks great! Our daughter loves it. It is much safer for her, if she figures out a way to fall out, its only a 12 drop to the floor. easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
Perfect for our 2 year old
It is so cute and we love the bed. It did however take a very long time to assemble. Instructions were not clear and accurate at all!!! Looks solid, easy to assemble.
Love it!!!
Love it!!! Perfect!!
Cute bed, some minor issues
This is a fun, fairly sturdy product. would have given it four stars/ Except for assembly issues. The instructions had many typos (pieces mislabelled/swapped) that meant we had to re/do a few steps and was quite frustrating. Also the drill holes arent great/ so we had some split wood. Now that its built, its very study and looks great. Our mattress is very deep (13 inches) so the fence just comes up to the sides. so were adding bed raisers to get the fence up higher and give it a cozier feel. The kid loves it. Not sure how im going to make the bed. Super small!
We love it and so does our little girl
Very easy to put together. It was missing one screw which was for the little chimney. However it didnt make a huge different or mess with the structure of the bed I am happy with my purchase! Also it came within a week which was so much sooner than the original arrival date given. Works great!!
Great bed!
This bed is great for kiddos who are developmentally delayed! My kiddo has significant delays and needed a slow transition from a crib to a big girl bed. This was a great solution for that! She is not afraid of the bed and has an easy time sleeping in it. Very Sturdy product.
Cute and my daughter loves it!
The house bed is very cute, may be a little confusing to assemble and one of the pieces of wood was slightly splintered. Fortunately for that its a piece that faces out so it wont scratch my daughter and it is also not weight bearing or structural yes we like it.
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