Instructions were very unclear and hard to follow took a long time to assemble. But overall I love the bed looks great in my toddlers room great for guests
The box seemed fine. The pieces had lits of cracks and scratches and some surfaces seemed unfinished or not sanded properly. While assembling it, a couple of pieces crached while putting in the screw. If you get lucky and get a set that is not damaged, it is good for the price. But if you are unlucky like me, this is not worth it I was actually pretty disappointed.
Our grandson immediately went into his house bed after it was set up. He didnt miss his crib at all. Its sturdy and super cute too! This was told to us by his parents. it worth buying it
I didnt like that the bed was on the floor (no platform with it) However the sustained service dept was responsive and very helpful. I give them 5 stars for customer service which in this industry is a big deal! Would recommend and buy again
This is higher quality and looks great! Our daughter loves it. It is much safer for her, if she figures out a way to fall out, its only a 12 drop to the floor. Its okay
It is so cute and we love the bed. It did however take a very long time to assemble. Instructions were not clear and accurate at all!!! the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations
Beautiful bed, difficult to assemble.
Instructions were very unclear and hard to follow took a long time to assemble. But overall I love the bed looks great in my toddlers room great for guests
Great bed for a kid
Easy to assemble, directions are good my daughter loves it! comfortable and stylish product.
Nice bed. The instructions were confusing. But we used a power drill and it made putting it together easy Seems sturdy enough
Lots of chips and scratchez
The box seemed fine. The pieces had lits of cracks and scratches and some surfaces seemed unfinished or not sanded properly. While assembling it, a couple of pieces crached while putting in the screw. If you get lucky and get a set that is not damaged, it is good for the price. But if you are unlucky like me, this is not worth it I was actually pretty disappointed.
Grandson Loves His House Bed
Our grandson immediately went into his house bed after it was set up. He didnt miss his crib at all. Its sturdy and super cute too! This was told to us by his parents. it worth buying it
Absolutely perfect.
No complaints whatsoever. Just follow the instructions and youll have the perfect bedframe put up in no time. Thank you.
Customer Service Wonderful, Bed not the best quality
I didnt like that the bed was on the floor (no platform with it) However the sustained service dept was responsive and very helpful. I give them 5 stars for customer service which in this industry is a big deal! Would recommend and buy again
Takes a while to put together
This is higher quality and looks great! Our daughter loves it. It is much safer for her, if she figures out a way to fall out, its only a 12 drop to the floor. Its okay
Perfect for our 2 year old
It is so cute and we love the bed. It did however take a very long time to assemble. Instructions were not clear and accurate at all!!! the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations
Love it!!!
Product is exactly as descriproduct
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