Bought for my 13 yr old! And it was super simple to put together, she loves the frame and how it looks. Its super sturdy and not squeaky at all like other frames. Would definitely purchase again if needed. I like this one.
I bought this for a 9 year old to sleep in every other weekend so for that purpose it should be fine. I put it together by myself and had a little trouble with the screws, they stripped easily and I had to use pliers to tighten some. Seems pretty sturdy even though I was a little skeptical. Comfortable and high quality!
Well I think what is missing is a good eye for detail if for any reason anyone inspected the item. You would have been able to tell that the frame is a dangerous thing. There are very very sharp scrolls left like ror blades. I will gladly take a job to inspect such defective product and report a easy remedy. If you truly want to hear it Considering returning
Not long life
Got fir grandsons bday will have fireplace soon not as sturdy However I still wouldnt recommend you try buying it
Its a great bed frame
Bought two of this bed frame (twin size). Easy to install, sturdy. I paired it with 8/inch Linenspa mattress. Its perfect! Functional design
Strong and sturdy
This is strong and sturdy and nice Good and inexpensive
Great value for price
Bought for my 13 yr old! And it was super simple to put together, she loves the frame and how it looks. Its super sturdy and not squeaky at all like other frames. Would definitely purchase again if needed. I like this one.
Easy to assemble and feels sturdy enough.
The assembly process was very easy, it only took around 40 minutes. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Great Value
cutest bed for a toddler Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
She loves it
Easy to assemble, doesnt squeak and perfect for a little girls room Style and purpose
no support
because there are rails there is no support / feels like I am falling off the side. but I do like the style of frame Decent for the price
Good for the price
I bought this for a 9 year old to sleep in every other weekend so for that purpose it should be fine. I put it together by myself and had a little trouble with the screws, they stripped easily and I had to use pliers to tighten some. Seems pretty sturdy even though I was a little skeptical. Comfortable and high quality!
Well I think what is missing is a good eye for detail if for any reason anyone inspected the item. You would have been able to tell that the frame is a dangerous thing. There are very very sharp scrolls left like ror blades. I will gladly take a job to inspect such defective product and report a easy remedy. If you truly want to hear it Considering returning
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