Was looking for something to stick in the corner to add something to the room. Worked out great, not too big, but big enough for a 6 220lb man. Dog loves it as well. Sturdy, and easy to clean
This purchase was the perfect addition to my daughters dorm room. She loves it! She was able to assemble the chair on her own, and she reports that the chair is comfy and durable, and works in dorm space.
Looks great, priced great. Comfortable. The only issue is one of the legs was about 1/4 shorter than the others when assembled. I fixed it with a self-adhesive rubber foot, but would have been near perfect aside from that.
Arrived quickly and easy enough to assemble alone. It looks good, comfortable, firm and feels very sturdy.
Just one watch out - we have done narrow corridors and doorways in our house. This chair, when assembled, barely makes it with an 1 clearance from one room to the next. Something to verify for anyone buying.
Light weight and heavy duty
I use this tv chair in my laundry room while doing laundry or just relaxing and enjoying tv in another room of the house.
Poor craftsmanship
Very comfortable, until the legs fall off after less than a week. I was just sitting then the front legs came off. My butt hit the floor.
Shorter than I expected but comfortable
Shorter than I had expected.. in fact it looked like a childs chair.. but once I put the legs on and sat down it was comfortable. Love it!
Nice corner chair
Was looking for something to stick in the corner to add something to the room. Worked out great, not too big, but big enough for a 6 220lb man. Dog loves it as well. Sturdy, and easy to clean
She Loves It!
This purchase was the perfect addition to my daughters dorm room. She loves it! She was able to assemble the chair on her own, and she reports that the chair is comfy and durable, and works in dorm space.
Excellent, but one leg a bit short
Looks great, priced great. Comfortable. The only issue is one of the legs was about 1/4 shorter than the others when assembled. I fixed it with a self-adhesive rubber foot, but would have been near perfect aside from that.
A great piece of furniture!
So easy to get it together, and its so comfortable its something you just cuddle into!
Perfect for my reading nook
Absolutely love it. It is Exactly what I was looking for.
Looks good, firm and comfortable
Arrived quickly and easy enough to assemble alone. It looks good, comfortable, firm and feels very sturdy. Just one watch out - we have done narrow corridors and doorways in our house. This chair, when assembled, barely makes it with an 1 clearance from one room to the next. Something to verify for anyone buying.
Super soft and comfy
Better than described and depicted. So, so soft and comfortable. I had to go back and buy the matching ottoman.
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