Bought this for our teenage sons room. Very comfortable but small. He fits in it fine and hes 55 and 110lbs. Not sure weight restrictions but I would say anyone over 180 may not want to buy this. Legs dont feel super sturdy but it works for our needs.
Well, took 4 mins to put them together. Its even embarrasing to say i am assembling them as its that simple. Nice looking and surprising comfortable. Its not that small as everyone else was saying in other reviews, but it could have of been because my initial expectation was influenced by those reviews.
Man its hard to fine inexpensive accent chairs these days! It is very cute but small and short but it added a lot to my little space and hides all my ugly cords. In my opinion, too much $$ for the size and quality but I dont regret buying it if thats helpful! Maybe Id invest in a nicer more comfy piece if youre looking for something to sit in a lot and what not, cant really sit cross cross or anything
Super cute,minimalist and fancy.
Love It!!!
So beautiful and super comfy!!!
Looks very nice
Not quite as comfortable as I would like but I have it in my bedroom so I do not sit in it for long periods of time
Absolutely adorable
Fits perfectly in my little nook. Easy assembly attaching legs.
Small but comfortable!
Bought this for our teenage sons room. Very comfortable but small. He fits in it fine and hes 55 and 110lbs. Not sure weight restrictions but I would say anyone over 180 may not want to buy this. Legs dont feel super sturdy but it works for our needs.
Chair is small
The chair is small and sits low however it is a nice looking chair.
Nice looking comfy chair for living room
Well, took 4 mins to put them together. Its even embarrasing to say i am assembling them as its that simple. Nice looking and surprising comfortable. Its not that small as everyone else was saying in other reviews, but it could have of been because my initial expectation was influenced by those reviews.
Easy to assemble. very comfy, if the floral color becomes available Id buy that too!
Definitely good for small space but worth the price?
Man its hard to fine inexpensive accent chairs these days! It is very cute but small and short but it added a lot to my little space and hides all my ugly cords. In my opinion, too much $$ for the size and quality but I dont regret buying it if thats helpful! Maybe Id invest in a nicer more comfy piece if youre looking for something to sit in a lot and what not, cant really sit cross cross or anything
Impressed with the quality for price!
Soft fabric, great size, love the color.
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