The product looks just like I had expected based on the product pictures. The instructions could have been more clear in pointing out which direction parts needed to go but overall it was easy to assemble by myself. I expected the drawers to operate on tracks but they work fine as is. I wouldnt recommend trying to store anything heavy in the drawers though Nothing negative to say. a great value.
This is probably my favorite purchase for our new home. At first I was a little intimidated by the assembly but everything is well labeled and it took less time to assemble then what I thought when I first opened the box. I love that the drawers have something which prevents them from fully sliding out and the power outlet with two usb inserts also is great. Two thumbs up. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
these were pretty easy to put together. for the cost the value is good. they fit well in a small space and are attractive. the drawers are an added plus for storage and the plugins are great to have. Excellent for what I need
This is a very attractive, sturdy table. I love having the outlet built into it, with USB ports as well. I highly recommend it for the money. Absolutely love it !!!
I bought this table for my entryway and its perfect. The color matches my room, and the quality is really good. It has outlets on the side so it didnt take away from the outlets. The USB is a great added perk I can charge my phone and smartwatch and also not take away from outlets. Would recommend This is exactly what I wanted.
I was expecting it to be a nice gray color but it was really just brown possibly grayish brown. Very disappointed and I sent it back. I thought I may have been sent the wrong one but that wasnt the case. Not at all what it seems in the pictures
Great for my small living room
The product looks just like I had expected based on the product pictures. The instructions could have been more clear in pointing out which direction parts needed to go but overall it was easy to assemble by myself. I expected the drawers to operate on tracks but they work fine as is. I wouldnt recommend trying to store anything heavy in the drawers though Nothing negative to say. a great value.
Great table
Easy to put together and looks great. Definitely will recommend Very sturdy It is just excellent!!
Very nice
Love this. no regrets at all for this purchase
Love it!
This is probably my favorite purchase for our new home. At first I was a little intimidated by the assembly but everything is well labeled and it took less time to assemble then what I thought when I first opened the box. I love that the drawers have something which prevents them from fully sliding out and the power outlet with two usb inserts also is great. Two thumbs up. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
shelf for small spaces
these were pretty easy to put together. for the cost the value is good. they fit well in a small space and are attractive. the drawers are an added plus for storage and the plugins are great to have. Excellent for what I need
This is a very attractive, sturdy table. I love having the outlet built into it, with USB ports as well. I highly recommend it for the money. Absolutely love it !!!
Great item
Love it ! Sturdy and nice
Way smaller than expected.
Got this as a coffee bar, I have a mini kurig and it barley fits on it. Would not buy again.
Perfect entryway table
I bought this table for my entryway and its perfect. The color matches my room, and the quality is really good. It has outlets on the side so it didnt take away from the outlets. The USB is a great added perk I can charge my phone and smartwatch and also not take away from outlets. Would recommend This is exactly what I wanted.
This is not gray
I was expecting it to be a nice gray color but it was really just brown possibly grayish brown. Very disappointed and I sent it back. I thought I may have been sent the wrong one but that wasnt the case. Not at all what it seems in the pictures
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