Wood feels really thin. One bored cracked when putting a screw. The full size one is sturdy but the twin is no good. Personally should have gone with metal bunks. Very sad.
My husband and I got this for our daughter a surprise and we thought that it would take us all afternoon to build this but we love how easy it is to assemble. It took us two hours from start to finish from unboxing to getting it all fully set up. The materials are very sturdy and our son loves it!
Metal beds are better
Wood feels really thin. One bored cracked when putting a screw. The full size one is sturdy but the twin is no good. Personally should have gone with metal bunks. Very sad.
Love it!
My husband and I got this for our daughter a surprise and we thought that it would take us all afternoon to build this but we love how easy it is to assemble. It took us two hours from start to finish from unboxing to getting it all fully set up. The materials are very sturdy and our son loves it!
Solid and easily put together.
This is a nice sturdy bed. The gray color is perfect. I used 8" mattresses. Highly recommend!
Attractive Loft Bed!
It's a decently built and attractive loft bed for the price.
Need two people for assembly
Pretty straight forward assembly and requires 2 people.
Loft Bed with cozy place for reading and writing
We bought this bed for our 7 yr old. It take up less space. The kiddo loves the space underneath and uses it for a fort/reading nook.
Safety Guaranteed
High guardrails surround the loft upper bed will further protect your safety.
Elegant loft bed frame
Modern and simplicity structure. Classic colors.
Make our bedroom neat.
Desktop and shelves can be used to store personal items. My home become more beautiful.
Has more firm slats!
Generally loft bed has only 8 support slats, but it has 14.
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