Needed an additional chair for the living room so decided to pick up this one in brown. Took me less than 10 mins to assemble, chair was a bit wider than I had expected but that's not a problem. Feels pretty well built and sturdy. Solid purchase overall, no real complaints.
I had been using this sofa for the past few weeks now. It has been amazing! The assemble was quite easy. However, it started confusing for where the parts should go. But the instructions helps. I used 20min to assemble this sofa. I had to said that the leather is very comfortable! Now is summer but it will not be hot when I sit on it for a long period of time. And I feel like it is pretty strong. Sometime I had three adults sat on it. It is totally supportable!
Great chair! It is very comfortable. I did not expect it to be this comfortable. Very easy to assemble. You would need to cut the tag on the chair just for it to look better in the space. ( of course, optional) No complaints, it came very fast to my home. Thank you for sending it to me! Have a great day, everyone.
Is a good product, very easy to install. My living room space is not big, it is just the right size for me, I often sit and drink tea also very comfortable!
The couch was very simple to build, requires just an Allen key which is included, and a few screws. Its large enough for two people to share the space and sit comfortably. The color is very pleasant looking.
Easy to put to together and surprisingly sturdy
Needed an additional chair for the living room so decided to pick up this one in brown. Took me less than 10 mins to assemble, chair was a bit wider than I had expected but that's not a problem. Feels pretty well built and sturdy. Solid purchase overall, no real complaints.
I had been using this sofa for the past few weeks now. It has been amazing! The assemble was quite easy. However, it started confusing for where the parts should go. But the instructions helps. I used 20min to assemble this sofa. I had to said that the leather is very comfortable! Now is summer but it will not be hot when I sit on it for a long period of time. And I feel like it is pretty strong. Sometime I had three adults sat on it. It is totally supportable!
Great chair!
Great chair! It is very comfortable. I did not expect it to be this comfortable. Very easy to assemble. You would need to cut the tag on the chair just for it to look better in the space. ( of course, optional) No complaints, it came very fast to my home. Thank you for sending it to me! Have a great day, everyone.
The product is just as mentioned.
I used it as a chair for my home office.
Is a good product, very easy to install. My living room space is not big, it is just the right size for me, I often sit and drink tea also very comfortable!
Great chair
Easy to assemble, comfortable and attractive. Great value
Nice bright orange color, simple to build
The couch was very simple to build, requires just an Allen key which is included, and a few screws. Its large enough for two people to share the space and sit comfortably. The color is very pleasant looking.
Modern look
Modern, comfy and reasonably sturdy. It arrived well boxed and it was easy to assemble. I recommend this fabulous chair.
it breaks
it broke when i sat on it
Suitable accent chair
This chair is comfortable and suitable for our lobby.
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