It looks nice. Overall, we really like it. Its the perfect size and look for our baby room/guest room.
The assembly was a bit frustrating. The steps were clear; however, executing them at some points was challenging. Getting all the slats on the three sides to stay in while affixing the whole thing to another bar took multiple tries. The paint also chips easily.
Took 3 hours to put together, came with all of the parts (including all of the screws) and the only thing I ended up needing was a screwdriver. Wonderful bed frame. One thing to note is that the imum weight it can hold is 225 pounds. So if youre a college student using a twin bed in a small room, just keep that weight limit in mind. Im 150lb and it seems to hold me just fine but just wanted to mention the limit anyways. Very easy to put together the instructions were easy to understand. The actual size was exactly as described on the listing too.
My daughter absolutely loves her new bed. We bought the memory foam mattress to go with it. Was easy to put together with my husband and is very much worth the price.
Bought this as a temporary bed for post surgery because of stairs Very sturdy and takes daily use well.
If you follow directions exactly, it goes together well.
Needed a temporary bed in the living room to accomodate an ill family member. This was easy to put together, is sturdy, and looks good, too. And the price was right. Itll do fine in a spare bedroom when its no longer needed in the main room.
Very attractive frame and easy to assemble. The only drawback is that it only supports around 200 pounds, so you cant have a lot of people sitting on it, and whoever sleeps on it needs to be slim.
For the price, this is a great buy! My only issue is that its a pain to put together. It said it should take 30 minutes, it took me about 3 hours. Also it is not the sturdiest, but it was very cheap so thats to be expected.
Very sturdy once assembled. Make sure you have a friend and a sense of humor when you are putting it together. I normally dont mind putting furniture together, but this one was kind of a pain.
It looks nice. Overall
It looks nice. Overall, we really like it. Its the perfect size and look for our baby room/guest room. The assembly was a bit frustrating. The steps were clear; however, executing them at some points was challenging. Getting all the slats on the three sides to stay in while affixing the whole thing to another bar took multiple tries. The paint also chips easily.
Took 3 hours to put together, came with all of the parts (including all of the screws) and the only thing I ended up needing was a screwdriver. Wonderful bed frame. One thing to note is that the imum weight it can hold is 225 pounds. So if youre a college student using a twin bed in a small room, just keep that weight limit in mind. Im 150lb and it seems to hold me just fine but just wanted to mention the limit anyways. Very easy to put together the instructions were easy to understand. The actual size was exactly as described on the listing too.
Was easy to put together with my husband and is very ...
My daughter absolutely loves her new bed. We bought the memory foam mattress to go with it. Was easy to put together with my husband and is very much worth the price.
Surprisingly good product
Bought this as a temporary bed for post surgery because of stairs Very sturdy and takes daily use well. If you follow directions exactly, it goes together well.
Inexpensive, good looking, and sturdy
Needed a temporary bed in the living room to accomodate an ill family member. This was easy to put together, is sturdy, and looks good, too. And the price was right. Itll do fine in a spare bedroom when its no longer needed in the main room.
Very attractive frame and easy to assemble
Very attractive frame and easy to assemble. The only drawback is that it only supports around 200 pounds, so you cant have a lot of people sitting on it, and whoever sleeps on it needs to be slim.
this is a great buy! My only issue is that its a ...
For the price, this is a great buy! My only issue is that its a pain to put together. It said it should take 30 minutes, it took me about 3 hours. Also it is not the sturdiest, but it was very cheap so thats to be expected.
fantastic for the price
for the price its just fantastic, solid wood, easy to assemble, i bought 2 and assembled both in 2 hours , love it so far
Relatively easy to assemble
Worked very well for my needs. Relatively easy to assemble.
Sturday, but tricky to assemble
Very sturdy once assembled. Make sure you have a friend and a sense of humor when you are putting it together. I normally dont mind putting furniture together, but this one was kind of a pain.
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