Easy to assemble, comes shipped in original box, box had few rips in it, had slight scratches because theres not really and padding or protection inside packaging. Overall sturdy, only con is the legs, wish they would have had the 4 corner ones recessed in so people would not stub their toes.
So far so good as far as no noise at all, easy to put together, nice to store stuff underneath, but you will bang your toes and shins all the time on the edges but thats probably normal for this style frame just gotta be careful. But its sturdy and does its job. No problem with lots of weight on it (550 lbs x 2 people) . All my pieces matched no problem and put together myself no problem.
Mattress frame
Easy to assemble, comes shipped in original box, box had few rips in it, had slight scratches because theres not really and padding or protection inside packaging. Overall sturdy, only con is the legs, wish they would have had the 4 corner ones recessed in so people would not stub their toes.
Very sturdy, with plenty of storage space!
Great option for living in small spaces. The frame gives tons of under bed storage and is very very sturdy. 10/10
Pretty good
So far so good as far as no noise at all, easy to put together, nice to store stuff underneath, but you will bang your toes and shins all the time on the edges but thats probably normal for this style frame just gotta be careful. But its sturdy and does its job. No problem with lots of weight on it (550 lbs x 2 people) . All my pieces matched no problem and put together myself no problem.
Exactly what I needed
The sturdiness and the simple set up
Good Quality
Really like the bed frame nice and sturdy and quiet getting in and out of bed
Good but the edges are a little sharp
Corners a little sharp but nothing a pack of baby proofing corner covers cant fix
Bought for my daughter just started using so far she loves it
it feels great
it was great to sleep on something soft
Great Guest bed and able to store bins underneath
Easy to move around the room and sweep underneath.
Great bed frame
Sturdy and light very easy to build
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