Someone really knew how to pack the shipping carton. Pieces were perfectly fit into the very large box and this was easy to assemble. This is a great value for the price.
I like the bed overall. Unfortunately, I do not look forward to making the bed. Especially the top. The design did not take into account that you have to get your hands and knuckles through those bars to make the bed.
Once the bunkbed was put together it was beatiful and very sturdy. However, the description specifically said it came with all necessary tools. I had to get out the screw driver and make a total of 18 holes that were not pre done. These were the six supports on top and bottom as well as the little support on both sides of the top bunk. It took three of us 5 hours to put the bed together. This was because the holes that were drilled were tight, and so we had to re do some that made others misalign. However, that is why the bed is so sturdy so it was worth the difficulty in putting it together for the end result. The bunkbed also was not packaged properly to protect the wood, and ours came with about five significant scratches. They were very obvious because of the dark stain over the origionally light wood. Luckily, the larger ones were on the side of the bunk we had against the wall, and the rest we touched up with stain.
We recently purchased this bunkbed and absolutely love it . Such good quality at a wonderful price and the color of the wood (dark brown)is beautiful. My sons love it and right after my husband put it together, wanted to go to bed, Yeah!! This is one of my better purchases
Affordable and sturdy
Someone really knew how to pack the shipping carton. Pieces were perfectly fit into the very large box and this was easy to assemble. This is a great value for the price.
Not my best purchase
I like the bed overall. Unfortunately, I do not look forward to making the bed. Especially the top. The design did not take into account that you have to get your hands and knuckles through those bars to make the bed.
Sturdy bunkbed, but came with scratches and hard to assemble
Once the bunkbed was put together it was beatiful and very sturdy. However, the description specifically said it came with all necessary tools. I had to get out the screw driver and make a total of 18 holes that were not pre done. These were the six supports on top and bottom as well as the little support on both sides of the top bunk. It took three of us 5 hours to put the bed together. This was because the holes that were drilled were tight, and so we had to re do some that made others misalign. However, that is why the bed is so sturdy so it was worth the difficulty in putting it together for the end result. The bunkbed also was not packaged properly to protect the wood, and ours came with about five significant scratches. They were very obvious because of the dark stain over the origionally light wood. Luckily, the larger ones were on the side of the bunk we had against the wall, and the rest we touched up with stain.
Very nice quality
We recently purchased this bunkbed and absolutely love it . Such good quality at a wonderful price and the color of the wood (dark brown)is beautiful. My sons love it and right after my husband put it together, wanted to go to bed, Yeah!! This is one of my better purchases
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