Arrived on time and well packaged. It is not bad for the price. Fits well in my tiny second room. Well made. Looks great. No loose threads. Very easy to assemble. However, the legs are short.
I would have to say that their customer service works at top speed I had the couch 2 days earlier than the expected date. The hardware to assemble the couch was simple 4 legs and 4 screws just for the back legs and it also came with the hex drive wrench. The assembly took about 10 minutes I didnt even need the instructions its was really simple. But now the couch had perfect stitching and the colors was an evenly noir black. It also folds into a small that could be used for guesses. Comfortable wise Its hard and sturdy like a patio block. Quite frankly I prefer it this way Because its much better for your back and its great if you have pets. I have a cat and he hadnt tear into the couch because it isnt soft or have too much cushion. Overall I give it 9/10 overall experience
The only problem I had with this was the delivery. It was left in a place that it could easily be stolen. This happens frequently and deliveries sometimes are even left outside in front of my apartment building.
I am very satisfied with this futon and the price. It fits in nicely without taking up a lot of room. The is satisfying comfortable, slept on by a child and an adult. The fabric is attractive and matches my leather furniture of the same color.
Super nice !
These are a nice smallish accent chair, great construction, nice material 10/10
Not bad. Sturdy.
Arrived on time and well packaged. It is not bad for the price. Fits well in my tiny second room. Well made. Looks great. No loose threads. Very easy to assemble. However, the legs are short.
Great couch! Its simple and great for cats
I would have to say that their customer service works at top speed I had the couch 2 days earlier than the expected date. The hardware to assemble the couch was simple 4 legs and 4 screws just for the back legs and it also came with the hex drive wrench. The assembly took about 10 minutes I didnt even need the instructions its was really simple. But now the couch had perfect stitching and the colors was an evenly noir black. It also folds into a small that could be used for guesses. Comfortable wise Its hard and sturdy like a patio block. Quite frankly I prefer it this way Because its much better for your back and its great if you have pets. I have a cat and he hadnt tear into the couch because it isnt soft or have too much cushion. Overall I give it 9/10 overall experience
NOT comfy at all
It honestly feels like youre sitting/laying on a slightly springy board. I felt bad for having my friends sleep on it.
Good value
So easy to assemble and great value for the price. Everyone who sees these in our home comments on how pretty they are.
I accidentally fall asleep on it constantly.
Love it.
The easiest to setup
This is the easiest furniture setup I experienced. It just need to screw in the 4 legs and it is ready. Love it!
Good purchase!
The only problem I had with this was the delivery. It was left in a place that it could easily be stolen. This happens frequently and deliveries sometimes are even left outside in front of my apartment building. I am very satisfied with this futon and the price. It fits in nicely without taking up a lot of room. The is satisfying comfortable, slept on by a child and an adult. The fabric is attractive and matches my leather furniture of the same color.
Highly uncomfortable
Not comfortable to sit or lay on at all.
Its a nice little futon
It was small but that was expected. Not the comfiest but it works.
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