The desk is sturdy and easy to put together. I think the people having issues probably haven't had to put together furniture. It's pretty straight forward. I love it. It's beautiful.
This was actually a great investment. I'm working from home. It's easy to assemble. It takes about 45 mins. For 1 person to do it w/o help. 55 in. is the perfect size for small spaces. Is also great for a kids space if they have school from home. It can also fit a desktop tower on the bottom shelf. The only issue is the shelves aren't tall enough to fit a standard binder. The stand needs about 1 in. to fit a binder on the table part. Overall a good investment for home office or school. It's sturdy too. Not that flimsy wood and metal.
Great item, gives my room a modern look. My boyfriend helped put it together, with 2 people it is very easy and a good bonding task. Great buy, worth the cost.
The desk is a pretty good overall value. Delivery was a little delayed, but once it arrived, it was relatively easy for me to assemble. The instructions are pretty clear on how to assemble, and the pieces are labeled well. However, there are certain issues with the manufacturing of the table where some parts don't align properly. For example, there is a small edge of metal that sticks out from under the desk. Furthermore, the desk itself picks up fingerprints VERY easily and requires consistent cleaning. The desk is relatively sturdy, and it overall has pretty good value.
The desk is poorly engineered. Pictured assembly instructions makes putting together the desk simple. But the stability bar, the last to be attached, can only be attached on one side. It is a problem if that happens to be the front of the desk. Please note it can be reversed, however it is not indicated on the instructions. in order to reverse the bar I basically needed to unassembled the entire unit. If this is being read by the Manufacturer simple have two C' Bar with both have the ability to attach the stability bar.
Before I ordered this desk I read some of the reviews telling that it's hard to assemble. It's easy the only thing you need to carefully, READ,UNDERSTAND AND LOOK for the letters on each piece and the numbers on the screw package... My Only complaint on this is not about the desk. I ORDERED ORANGE, AND I GET A BROWN. I don't think I can recommend it to anyone like that.
Definitely easy to assemble and I like it alot very sturdy.. Definitely money worth
Size and sturdy
This was easy to put together and sturdier than I thought it would be.
Wrong color sent, but still beautiful
The desk is sturdy and easy to put together. I think the people having issues probably haven't had to put together furniture. It's pretty straight forward. I love it. It's beautiful.
Loved it
Good Quality Desk!!
This was actually a great investment. I'm working from home. It's easy to assemble. It takes about 45 mins. For 1 person to do it w/o help. 55 in. is the perfect size for small spaces. Is also great for a kids space if they have school from home. It can also fit a desktop tower on the bottom shelf. The only issue is the shelves aren't tall enough to fit a standard binder. The stand needs about 1 in. to fit a binder on the table part. Overall a good investment for home office or school. It's sturdy too. Not that flimsy wood and metal.
Must buy
Great item, gives my room a modern look. My boyfriend helped put it together, with 2 people it is very easy and a good bonding task. Great buy, worth the cost.
Has flaws
One of the holes is missing for the arm support and one of the holes was not drilled correctly and cannot attach the top correctly.
Pretty good overall
The desk is a pretty good overall value. Delivery was a little delayed, but once it arrived, it was relatively easy for me to assemble. The instructions are pretty clear on how to assemble, and the pieces are labeled well. However, there are certain issues with the manufacturing of the table where some parts don't align properly. For example, there is a small edge of metal that sticks out from under the desk. Furthermore, the desk itself picks up fingerprints VERY easily and requires consistent cleaning. The desk is relatively sturdy, and it overall has pretty good value.
Poorly engineered/designed
The desk is poorly engineered. Pictured assembly instructions makes putting together the desk simple. But the stability bar, the last to be attached, can only be attached on one side. It is a problem if that happens to be the front of the desk. Please note it can be reversed, however it is not indicated on the instructions. in order to reverse the bar I basically needed to unassembled the entire unit. If this is being read by the Manufacturer simple have two C' Bar with both have the ability to attach the stability bar.
You can't choose a color.
Before I ordered this desk I read some of the reviews telling that it's hard to assemble. It's easy the only thing you need to carefully, READ,UNDERSTAND AND LOOK for the letters on each piece and the numbers on the screw package... My Only complaint on this is not about the desk. I ORDERED ORANGE, AND I GET A BROWN. I don't think I can recommend it to anyone like that.
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