Oh how much my daughter loves this slide, best purchase I’ve made for her play area so far. Totally worth the money and extremely easy to put together. 2 weeks in and she even slides head first at only 16 months old.
This is the perfect slide. My grandson is an 10 month old who loves this. It is great for him not too big and he doesnt go to fast. My granddaughter also loves it she is able to climb the stairs and go down without any help. This is a great addition to the yard.
This thing is so small. The picture with 4 kids in it is very misleading. The only tool you need is a plastic screwdriver which is not included. I used a quarter and that worked fine.
I read review after review to get the right slide for a one year old. I wanted her to be able to climb and be active inside, yet independent enough to slide without too much assistance. This slide has been perfect! She quickly learned to climb and get her feet adjusted and slide by herself. There’s just enough room for a toddler to put their feet in front of them. The slide is very sturdy. Only thing to watch for is the little rubber stoppers that you can add to the bottom to keep it from moving.
My almost two year old loves it
No gripes about anything. Works as it should and the kids love it!
Best Slide
Oh how much my daughter loves this slide, best purchase I’ve made for her play area so far. Totally worth the money and extremely easy to put together. 2 weeks in and she even slides head first at only 16 months old.
Safe Slide
My 1-1/2 year old granddaughter loves it.Very safe!
Easy to assemble. Well made. My son loves it!
This is the perfect slide. My grandson is an 10 month old who loves this. It is great for him not too big and he doesnt go to fast. My granddaughter also loves it she is able to climb the stairs and go down without any help. This is a great addition to the yard.
Definitely worth it
Very Easy to assemble, my son loves it, quite small too (I use it outdoors).
Tiny, Expensive, and Missing Tool
This thing is so small. The picture with 4 kids in it is very misleading. The only tool you need is a plastic screwdriver which is not included. I used a quarter and that worked fine.
Climbing part/feature is useless!
My daughter is unable to use the climbing feature because of the slippery fishery. In addition, the swing is a bit clumsy...
The simplicity of this slide proved to be just the right choice for our 1 year old.
Used extensively by small child whom absolutely loves it!!!
He loves it!
My 15 month old nephew mastered the slide in less than a day. Perfect early gift for his 1st birthday!
Love this slide!
I read review after review to get the right slide for a one year old. I wanted her to be able to climb and be active inside, yet independent enough to slide without too much assistance. This slide has been perfect! She quickly learned to climb and get her feet adjusted and slide by herself. There’s just enough room for a toddler to put their feet in front of them. The slide is very sturdy. Only thing to watch for is the little rubber stoppers that you can add to the bottom to keep it from moving.
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