The instructions are misleading. It took my boy friend 3 hours to put it together. Very sturdy- and more importantly, straight forward instructions and all the holes lined up!
It was pretty easy to put together, the directions were easy to follow. The "tub" was larger than expected I easily fit 6 plants for transplanting and it definitely made pulling a load of dirt from on part of the yard to another much easier than the wheelbarrow. I have a hard time pushing the wheelbarrow so the fact that this is pulled like a wagon is very nice. I also like the dump feature and can dump the whole load or part of it with one hand. I haven't really had it long enough to use and "abuse" it but it feels very sturdy and will withstand the use it will endure, I also appreciate the no flat tires for that reason!!
I love that it is a wheelbarrow and wagon in one. Love everything about this product. Makes hauling and dumping dirt a breeze. This is the only way to go!
Loved it just wish I had gotten a bigger one. Hauled wood grass seed and grandson. What a great wagon! I haul my wood in it. It's light weight but durable it has a great turning radius its very sturdy. I absolutely love it!
Very easy to assemble! Cart was delivered quickly and was very easy assembly. I just had delivered a pallet of mulch and will be using the cart to haul it all over the yard…great price too and love the fact it has the tires that don’t need air…highly recommend!!!!
Easy to put together. Great height as I dumped potting soil in 1 ft high raised beds. Turns on a dime. Much better than wheel barrow for tight pathway. My wife loves it!!
You need two people to put it together
The instructions are misleading. It took my boy friend 3 hours to put it together. Very sturdy- and more importantly, straight forward instructions and all the holes lined up!
Wife loves it for gardening!
Assembly was about 26 minutes. Holds a lot of weight. The no flat tires were the selling point for me! Also the fact that it raises to dump!
It was pretty easy to put together, the directions were easy to follow. The "tub" was larger than expected I easily fit 6 plants for transplanting and it definitely made pulling a load of dirt from on part of the yard to another much easier than the wheelbarrow. I have a hard time pushing the wheelbarrow so the fact that this is pulled like a wagon is very nice. I also like the dump feature and can dump the whole load or part of it with one hand. I haven't really had it long enough to use and "abuse" it but it feels very sturdy and will withstand the use it will endure, I also appreciate the no flat tires for that reason!!
Nice Little cart
Assembled by myself in about 40 minutes. Easy to follow instructions. Put it right to work.
Worth the money
I love that it is a wheelbarrow and wagon in one. Love everything about this product. Makes hauling and dumping dirt a breeze. This is the only way to go!
The plastic base is very flimsy. I’ll make do with it for my gardening. Not worth it!
Very difficult to assemble . I needed professional help.
Easy assembly is a misnomer. My neighbor, who has professional building experience and a full collection of tools, had to help us.
Good quality!
Loved it just wish I had gotten a bigger one. Hauled wood grass seed and grandson. What a great wagon! I haul my wood in it. It's light weight but durable it has a great turning radius its very sturdy. I absolutely love it!
Nice cart!
Very easy to assemble! Cart was delivered quickly and was very easy assembly. I just had delivered a pallet of mulch and will be using the cart to haul it all over the yard…great price too and love the fact it has the tires that don’t need air…highly recommend!!!!
Makes gardening easier
Easy to put together. Great height as I dumped potting soil in 1 ft high raised beds. Turns on a dime. Much better than wheel barrow for tight pathway. My wife loves it!!
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