This was a pain to put together especially by yourself. I had to walk away multiple times. Besides the terrible assembly process the only major issue I had was the fact it also came with no instructions. I was able to Google for the which following made me have to pull it apart 3 times to fix my mistakes.
It is sturdy and I love the look of it
We have had it a few months and it seems to be holding up well. The assembly wasnt too bad, and its been pretty sturdy. My husband has laid on it a few times and he is over six foot tall and is not skinny. It held up well. It is definitely blue, but is still a fun pop of color.
Bought for my kids room and its perfect. I like that the trundle is NOT attached to the larger portion as then you can move it where you like, sturdy directions were clear but THIS. TAKES. TIME. Dont start at 8pm thinking they will be asleep in it by 9. No maam. You have been warned.
Easy to assemble (watch out for the removal of the extra bars for shipping / requires some muscle and you may or may not lose a fingernail depending on which way you pull)
Pretty, classic, and simple! I put this in my guest bedroom and it was super easy to assemble.
I highly recommend it to anyone. You could use this in a small space or bigger.
Double/size day bed
It takes 2 to assemble. The spindles were nightmarish to keep in place during assembly. Once finished, the frame looked great.
Sturdy? YESInstructions? N/AAssembly?
This was a pain to put together especially by yourself. I had to walk away multiple times. Besides the terrible assembly process the only major issue I had was the fact it also came with no instructions. I was able to Google for the which following made me have to pull it apart 3 times to fix my mistakes. It is sturdy and I love the look of it
Perfect for my tiny toddler
It can be set low profile and my very short 2.5 year old has no problem climbing up on the bed and jumping off. So far it seems like a solid choice.
Love it!
We have had it a few months and it seems to be holding up well. The assembly wasnt too bad, and its been pretty sturdy. My husband has laid on it a few times and he is over six foot tall and is not skinny. It held up well. It is definitely blue, but is still a fun pop of color.
Well built
Bought for my kids room and its perfect. I like that the trundle is NOT attached to the larger portion as then you can move it where you like, sturdy directions were clear but THIS. TAKES. TIME. Dont start at 8pm thinking they will be asleep in it by 9. No maam. You have been warned.
Inexpensive big girl bed for my little
Fairly easy to assemble, sturdy, worth the money
Exceeded expectations
Easy to assemble (watch out for the removal of the extra bars for shipping / requires some muscle and you may or may not lose a fingernail depending on which way you pull)
Great buy
Exactly as expected, and much easier to assemble than anticipated.
Aming deal
Extremely affordable and of great quality!!
Pretty, classic, and simple! I put this in my guest bedroom and it was super easy to assemble. I highly recommend it to anyone. You could use this in a small space or bigger.
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