I purchased this for my daughter. SIL assembled with no complaints. My daughter said it was a tad shorter than described but it did the job. Looks great and she likes it.
This is pretty cute and a great size for the space I needed it for. Assembly was a little difficult, since none of the pieces had letter labels like they did in the instructions and there were several that were very similar. Parts of the instructions were very faded/almost impossible to see, and the inside was missing holes for the pegs that hold up the middle shelf so I had to drill them myself. I also cannot get the doors to hang straight, and there were several nicks and scrapes on the sides and legs. But, once put together it seems sturdy enough and holds a lot.
Better than most crap thats not solid wood. Im pleased with it. It took me a while to assemble though. It would be nice if they had this furniture in other colors for versatility. I was looking for solid wood but was never able to find an affordable piece with the dimensions I needed. I do not regret this purchase and will probably buy other pieces from the same manufacturer in the future.
I bought this item to use as an additional storage rack in my tiny kitchen and I love it! Its the perfect size, simple and stylish, and was easy to assemble. The doors on it slide like butter and I could not be happier with how it looks.
The only reason I am rating assembly as 4 stars is that the parts list on page 9 of the instructions lists 4 M6 x 48mm bolts as part 44. There is, however, no reference to part 44 in the instructions. Those bolts are actually referred to as part 12 in step 10 on page 20. By that point in the assembly process it is clear that the 44 bolts were being referred to because there is no part 12 in the parts list and the 44 bolts had not yet been used. Certainly not an earth shattering issue but I thought it worth noting. I have assembled many pieces of furniture over the years and I was pleasantly surprised at the thickness of the backboard and the fact that it is attached using screws rather than tiny nails. It contributes to the sturdiness of the cabinet. Overall, this purchase has not been a disappointment!
Great choice
I purchased this for my daughter. SIL assembled with no complaints. My daughter said it was a tad shorter than described but it did the job. Looks great and she likes it.
Not bad, could be better
This is pretty cute and a great size for the space I needed it for. Assembly was a little difficult, since none of the pieces had letter labels like they did in the instructions and there were several that were very similar. Parts of the instructions were very faded/almost impossible to see, and the inside was missing holes for the pegs that hold up the middle shelf so I had to drill them myself. I also cannot get the doors to hang straight, and there were several nicks and scrapes on the sides and legs. But, once put together it seems sturdy enough and holds a lot.
Good Value
Pretty sturdy for flat-pack furniture
Seems very sturdy
Better than most crap thats not solid wood. Im pleased with it. It took me a while to assemble though. It would be nice if they had this furniture in other colors for versatility. I was looking for solid wood but was never able to find an affordable piece with the dimensions I needed. I do not regret this purchase and will probably buy other pieces from the same manufacturer in the future.
Using as a sideboard for entertainment for storage
A great piece of furniture easy to put together
Nice for the price, nicer with added legs
It is a nice sideboard, very short though. I added 6 retro brass legs. Also, if you put anything heavy inside the doors fall off
Easy assembly ,looks nice but just alittle smaller than I expected.
Looks great and works great.
I bought this item to use as an additional storage rack in my tiny kitchen and I love it! Its the perfect size, simple and stylish, and was easy to assemble. The doors on it slide like butter and I could not be happier with how it looks.
Just what I had hoped it would be!
The only reason I am rating assembly as 4 stars is that the parts list on page 9 of the instructions lists 4 M6 x 48mm bolts as part 44. There is, however, no reference to part 44 in the instructions. Those bolts are actually referred to as part 12 in step 10 on page 20. By that point in the assembly process it is clear that the 44 bolts were being referred to because there is no part 12 in the parts list and the 44 bolts had not yet been used. Certainly not an earth shattering issue but I thought it worth noting. I have assembled many pieces of furniture over the years and I was pleasantly surprised at the thickness of the backboard and the fact that it is attached using screws rather than tiny nails. It contributes to the sturdiness of the cabinet. Overall, this purchase has not been a disappointment!
perfect for our house
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