This product happened to fit perfectly in the space I needed it to (extending my counter). I was really happy that I was able to assemble the entire thing myself (there were some steps the instructions said required 2 people...but I wanted to get it together and no one else was around. Not hard to do really). It is holding a LOT of my decorative serving dishes and holding up great. Im very happy with this. Thanks for creating it to better my life.
Love it, super cute and sturdy. It did take a few hours to assemble but I had to get a power screw driver which is required. Many pieces but directions were easy to read and all party are labeled and packaged nicely. Love it
When looking at the pictures, the cabinet seems actually pretty big and spacious.
Once built it is very small.
Make sure not to buy base it on the pictures provided by the seller, but look at the dimensions. Its a tiny cabinet
Perfect for my coffee bar. The lower shelf is great for storing the cups and the barn doors are a great touch to the overall look, also offering adequate storage for additional coffee and tea supplies. I love the look. Its too much fun. Now Im just waiting for my my cup runneth over sign.
The first one I received had a few scratches so the seller sent another one and allowed me to keep the first. I appreciate how they handled the situation and the cabinet is wonderful!
I absolutely loved the 1st one that I bought so I bought a second since I downsized and needed the storage. However, I am still awaiting information about reimbursement for the screws that were missing in the package. I was contacted once that they do not have replacements screw and that they would give me $10 towards buying my own screws to complete building the rest of the cabinet. Ive been waiting for the reimbursement to go by the screws. See last photo, top piece is not screwed in. There are some places on the front where it shows the cheap material that this is, otherwise Im good with the pieces for the most part.
Pretty easy to assemble, sturdy and considering the big box store is selling the EXACT same product for twice the price, Im extremely happy with my purchase!
Soooo Happy!
This product happened to fit perfectly in the space I needed it to (extending my counter). I was really happy that I was able to assemble the entire thing myself (there were some steps the instructions said required 2 people...but I wanted to get it together and no one else was around. Not hard to do really). It is holding a LOT of my decorative serving dishes and holding up great. Im very happy with this. Thanks for creating it to better my life.
Love it, super cute and sturdy. It did take a few hours to assemble but I had to get a power screw driver which is required. Many pieces but directions were easy to read and all party are labeled and packaged nicely. Love it
Really nice
Easy to assemble. It is small and a little expensive
Looks very nice! Enjoying it.
My son put it together, as he bought it as a second pantry to keep his things in. I works beautifully and looks really nice in our dining room.
Smaller than what it looks like
When looking at the pictures, the cabinet seems actually pretty big and spacious. Once built it is very small. Make sure not to buy base it on the pictures provided by the seller, but look at the dimensions. Its a tiny cabinet
Beautiful coffee bar
Perfect for my coffee bar. The lower shelf is great for storing the cups and the barn doors are a great touch to the overall look, also offering adequate storage for additional coffee and tea supplies. I love the look. Its too much fun. Now Im just waiting for my my cup runneth over sign.
Beautiful cabinet, great customer service
The first one I received had a few scratches so the seller sent another one and allowed me to keep the first. I appreciate how they handled the situation and the cabinet is wonderful!
Good materials, looks great!
Me and my 14 year old were able to assemble. Backing is thick instead of the usual flimsy backs most come with. Doors slide well. Looks amazing.
Good Storage, Clean Lines Look, Missing Screws
I absolutely loved the 1st one that I bought so I bought a second since I downsized and needed the storage. However, I am still awaiting information about reimbursement for the screws that were missing in the package. I was contacted once that they do not have replacements screw and that they would give me $10 towards buying my own screws to complete building the rest of the cabinet. Ive been waiting for the reimbursement to go by the screws. See last photo, top piece is not screwed in. There are some places on the front where it shows the cheap material that this is, otherwise Im good with the pieces for the most part.
Absolutely recommend.
Pretty easy to assemble, sturdy and considering the big box store is selling the EXACT same product for twice the price, Im extremely happy with my purchase!
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