For something that looks like this, it costs really cheap but yet it’s so nice looking! It suits my place so well. It was easy to assemble and very lightweight.
Super easy to put together….That’s a plus. some of the parts came and they were broken and that might just be due to the handling of the product. Overall, super comfortable stools with a decent esthetic
Good quality and easy to assemble
Good quality and easy to assemble.
Poor stability
The stools are not stable, they produce unstability sound when you sit on them
Great purchase.
It was easy to assemble and they look great.
Very nice for the price. Sturdy
Very easy to put together. I use them in my tiny apartment at the kitchen island. Very comfy!
Honestly it will suit your place!!
For something that looks like this, it costs really cheap but yet it’s so nice looking! It suits my place so well. It was easy to assemble and very lightweight.
Not a good buy!
Feels cheap and unsteady!
Damaged Details
Super easy to put together….That’s a plus. some of the parts came and they were broken and that might just be due to the handling of the product. Overall, super comfortable stools with a decent esthetic
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