It took a long time to assemble by myself. They say it only takes an hour but thats a gross underestimation. If they fused some of the smaller pieces to the frame so it was 6 pieces instead of 11 I could see the assembly taking only an hour. Despite the long assembly its beautiful and sturdy. I am very happy with this purchase.
I knew I was going to like this product for the sole reason that they labeled which box had the instructions and hardware. The directions were simple to follow and the bed is STURDY! Took about 5 hours with two people to assemble but we really took our time. So happy with this purchase and would recommend this bunk bed to anyone!
It Perfect for a small room and easy to assemble (but you might need help from other since its heavy). Sturdy for sure, can hold 2 people at the same time. Love love love
It is as expected. It was not difficult to put together. I do wish the was made from a little stronger material but the fabric on it is very pretty and I am enjoying it very much.
My boy friend and I ordered this frame for our first place together. We love it, its beautiful and easy to put together. The instructions are clear and the parts are all labeled well. My only grip is that it is it is lower to the ground and the back board is shorter than we anticipated it being. It still works, but I am a bit disappointed in that. Otherwise its cool! Took maybe 40min to put together, if that. We did it together but could easily be done alone.
People who complained literally couldnt put it together right Me and my girlfriend put it together in 3 hours could have been a little Easier
Took 5 hours to assemble with a drill
It took a long time to assemble by myself. They say it only takes an hour but thats a gross underestimation. If they fused some of the smaller pieces to the frame so it was 6 pieces instead of 11 I could see the assembly taking only an hour. Despite the long assembly its beautiful and sturdy. I am very happy with this purchase.
Love it!!!!
It was simple to put together I love it! Space is great
I knew I was going to like this product for the sole reason that they labeled which box had the instructions and hardware. The directions were simple to follow and the bed is STURDY! Took about 5 hours with two people to assemble but we really took our time. So happy with this purchase and would recommend this bunk bed to anyone!
My first bunk bed
It Perfect for a small room and easy to assemble (but you might need help from other since its heavy). Sturdy for sure, can hold 2 people at the same time. Love love love
Its ok
It is as expected. It was not difficult to put together. I do wish the was made from a little stronger material but the fabric on it is very pretty and I am enjoying it very much.
Great but
2 drawers Cannot be used easily w end tables as drawers are at top so have to move in order to use! Doh!
Where can I find the instructions
Hello, Ive received my bed frame and it looks great but I dont have instructions to assemble it. Could you please email or mail instructions
Beautiful and modern
Love the bed! So much storage and looks aming! Teen daughter loves it
Nice Frame
My boy friend and I ordered this frame for our first place together. We love it, its beautiful and easy to put together. The instructions are clear and the parts are all labeled well. My only grip is that it is it is lower to the ground and the back board is shorter than we anticipated it being. It still works, but I am a bit disappointed in that. Otherwise its cool! Took maybe 40min to put together, if that. We did it together but could easily be done alone.
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