Make sure the screws are the screws and the bolts are the bolts. The instructions were kindve unclear to put multiple pieces together at a time so I had to disassemble and reassemble about 3/4 times. I never fully put it together because it was so aggravating. Most the bolts stripped from that crappy tool that came with it. I got it pretty sturdy but the price for the hassle doesnt seem worth it to me now especially since its not as convenient as I thought it would be to have a style bed. Anything close to the edges of the bed will fall off and it gets tiring jumping up and down to get something. The aesthetic is nice I guess.
All products for assembly were organized and convenient. Nothing missing. If I had not had my husbands help, though, it would have taken much longer than the one day to assemble. Bed is sturdy and attractive. However, the trundle needs to have locking wheels because out will roll when you lie down on it or turn over. Steps are nice! Great Value for the money.
So I received this bed in mail came in two days. I opened the box and it was just pieces after pieces. It made my head hurt. I called someone and paid them to put it together for me and in the beginning it even made their head hurt as well. To me its a difficult assembly. But in the end its worth it. Im an adult (23) was looking for a fun taller bed and this is it. Im 59 230 pounds so Im pretty chubby lol it hold me tho!! I love it !! Looks and feel like quality
Take your time building
Great product for the cost. Easy to put together once you understand the instructions.
So much room for activities
Great bunk beds!
Just as advertised
Chose a good and have been sleeping great
Great value and quality
Fantastic bed. We put an easy 400 lbs on it and it holds fine If your worried you can easily reinforce with more boards. Love it
Neat looking but not worth the hassle
Make sure the screws are the screws and the bolts are the bolts. The instructions were kindve unclear to put multiple pieces together at a time so I had to disassemble and reassemble about 3/4 times. I never fully put it together because it was so aggravating. Most the bolts stripped from that crappy tool that came with it. I got it pretty sturdy but the price for the hassle doesnt seem worth it to me now especially since its not as convenient as I thought it would be to have a style bed. Anything close to the edges of the bed will fall off and it gets tiring jumping up and down to get something. The aesthetic is nice I guess.
Nice product
My daughter is happy with the bed
Id like the simple and easy to fallow instructions.
Nice product
All products for assembly were organized and convenient. Nothing missing. If I had not had my husbands help, though, it would have taken much longer than the one day to assemble. Bed is sturdy and attractive. However, the trundle needs to have locking wheels because out will roll when you lie down on it or turn over. Steps are nice! Great Value for the money.
Im 230 adult and it holds me!!
So I received this bed in mail came in two days. I opened the box and it was just pieces after pieces. It made my head hurt. I called someone and paid them to put it together for me and in the beginning it even made their head hurt as well. To me its a difficult assembly. But in the end its worth it. Im an adult (23) was looking for a fun taller bed and this is it. Im 59 230 pounds so Im pretty chubby lol it hold me tho!! I love it !! Looks and feel like quality
Worth the money.
Liked it.
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