I love my desk. I have had this for few months now. It is compact and just the right size to fit in my bedroom. It is a nice looking and sturdy desk. Perfect for school. Also, it is very easy to build.
Easy to assemble, sturdy if you want to put a monitor on top. I use it when Im working from home and I have no complaints so far. Material does feel cheap and some of the sides are chipping off, but its so cheap already.
Fairly easy to assemble, the only confusing piece is that the screws arent lettered like the pieces are, if they were it would make the instructions more clear. Fits the bill I was looking for.
Assembly took some time and there were many pieces but as long as you follow the pictures there shouldnt be any difficulty. Looks very nice and is very sturdy.
Recommend this desk!
I love my desk. I have had this for few months now. It is compact and just the right size to fit in my bedroom. It is a nice looking and sturdy desk. Perfect for school. Also, it is very easy to build.
Does the job - feels cheap but it is cheap
Easy to assemble, sturdy if you want to put a monitor on top. I use it when Im working from home and I have no complaints so far. Material does feel cheap and some of the sides are chipping off, but its so cheap already.
To much
This literally has like 90 screws lol .. it looks nice when done but the time is consuming as hell
Great product overall but didnt last long not for kids
It didnt last long
Not in
Best purchase
Fits the Bill!
Fairly easy to assemble, the only confusing piece is that the screws arent lettered like the pieces are, if they were it would make the instructions more clear. Fits the bill I was looking for.
Cozy desk
Assembly took some time and there were many pieces but as long as you follow the pictures there shouldnt be any difficulty. Looks very nice and is very sturdy.
Looks good!
This was perfect! It may move a little bit or be less sturdy than expected but it still does its job and looks great!
It will do
Great for the price
With this range of price it is perfect for 5 to 10 years children
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