So cute and goes really well in my living room. It fits my 60 inch TV nicely but the doors dont seem too sturdy. they have fallen out a couple times while sliding them but besides thats super cute
Love it! Sturdy and attractive. Somewhat hard to assemble but my grandson did it for me/ lol.
I find this a great and useful piece of furniture. The assembly instructions are good.
Looks good and good value.
I like the flame in this fireplace. The whole cabinet looks great especially for the price.
Barnyard fever
This tv console looks great in my living room. I get lots of compliments. It is sturdy and well built with good materials.
Awesome Decor
Goes great with my Theme decor!
Awesome value for the money
Easy to assemble. Feels nice and sturdy. 55 TV for scale. Took about 2 hours alone.
Cute but a little unsturdy
So cute and goes really well in my living room. It fits my 60 inch TV nicely but the doors dont seem too sturdy. they have fallen out a couple times while sliding them but besides thats super cute
Pretty and functional
Love it! Sturdy and attractive. Somewhat hard to assemble but my grandson did it for me/ lol. I find this a great and useful piece of furniture. The assembly instructions are good.
okay for the price
i use this for my TV and it looks good on my leaving room.
Works perfectly for my home!
Pretty easy set up if you can follow the directions. Very sturdy and looks aming in my living room!
Beautiful worth the money for sure !
Very sturdy and worth the money .
Very pleased with my new tv stand
Received my product in the time expected. Well packaged / nothing was damaged or missing
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