This bed is awesome, very sturdy and easy to put together with 2 people. Check the height of it - it is pretty low, we wanted to put another bed under it, but it was too low. The include the height in the description, I just didnt realize it.
This bed was such a hit with my 5 year old son and he loves having a little play area underneath. I love that its a space saver for his smaller room.
All the pieces came in good condition. I dont consider myself a strong woman but was able to put this together myself after having help carrying the box inside. The box was extremely heavy and long. It feels very sturdy and overall a great buy.
My daughter has begged and begged for a bunk bed, but she is uncommonly clumsy and I worried she would fall and hurt herself, whether while sleeping or during playtime. When I saw this bed, I knew it was perfect for her. It was easy to assemble, looks great and is very sturdy, and best of all, she loves it. She has the area underneath as her little relaxation cave with pillows and a soft rug for playing. She loves her bed!
One note: make sure you get a bunk bed specific mattress so it doesn't sit too high above the railings.
Check the height
This bed is awesome, very sturdy and easy to put together with 2 people. Check the height of it - it is pretty low, we wanted to put another bed under it, but it was too low. The include the height in the description, I just didnt realize it.
Great product, well made
Love them. Great quality and well made. I would recommend to all
This bed was such a hit with my 5 year old son and he loves having a little play area underneath. I love that its a space saver for his smaller room. All the pieces came in good condition. I dont consider myself a strong woman but was able to put this together myself after having help carrying the box inside. The box was extremely heavy and long. It feels very sturdy and overall a great buy.
Not easy to assemble
Room for guesses
Great bed for the value
My daughter loves her bed.
Good, but not sturdy
Not sturdy, whatever the way you tighten it it is still shaky.
Made very strudy
Great bed for price
Sturdy for a young child
Takes a least 2 people to assemble. Still good and sturdy after a few months of use with a 40 lb child who jumps a lot. Love the space underneath
Perfect bed for those who want a fun, safe full bunk alternative!
My daughter has begged and begged for a bunk bed, but she is uncommonly clumsy and I worried she would fall and hurt herself, whether while sleeping or during playtime. When I saw this bed, I knew it was perfect for her. It was easy to assemble, looks great and is very sturdy, and best of all, she loves it. She has the area underneath as her little relaxation cave with pillows and a soft rug for playing. She loves her bed! One note: make sure you get a bunk bed specific mattress so it doesn't sit too high above the railings.
Well made
My 4 year old loves his bed. I'm happy with the quality. It is sturdy and well made.
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