Bought this for my 5 year old, she loves it. Wasn't too hard to put together by myself, would of been easier with help but still doable. Seems very sturdy, would buy again.
I really like the sturdiness, look, and function of this bed. This would be an awesome product if it were not for all the problems. Serious quality control issues and customer support was no help in getting replacement parts. I ended up with a damaged bed and no recourse to get it resolved. Sorry, but I cannot recommend. Know what you're getting into if you decide to buy.
This is a very nice bed. My daughter loves it. It was a bit of work to put together but not too bad. People that are seeing cracks are probably over tightening the screws. They will let you tighten them further than they need to be. If the head is sinking into the wood then it's time stop. Also 2 extra slats on the ends (there is a nice channel already cut to put them in) will stop the mattress corners from dipping down. After a few months the bed is sturdy and no cracks seen anywhere.
Our daughter loves the end result. The color and height are great with the room. Its the perfect size if you need a little extra space in a small room but dont want your kid in a tall loft bed. The only downfall is that theres no way of knowing how damaged the product might be, or if damaged at all. Upon opening the box we noticed cracks in a few parts. Not sure if individual pieces are replaceable or not. That is the only disappointing part otherwise its OK.
This is an amazing deal! Half the price of the other beds like this from retailers! Very sturdy, I was afraid to purchase from the other reviews but its so sturdy. I think other reviewer were using drills or heavy hands because I had no cracks or problems and I even dropped it a couple times will putting it together! Definitely buy it!
5 year old approves!
Bought this for my 5 year old, she loves it. Wasn't too hard to put together by myself, would of been easier with help but still doable. Seems very sturdy, would buy again.
Great little kid bed! Good value!
Easy to assemble. Perfect!
Order wrong
I ordered white bed but when I open the bed it was Expresso. The bar was the same color as the bed.
Very good size for a tiny room
Adorable bed perfect just what I wanted
It was worth what I paid but looked slightly bigger.
I cannot recommend... very disappointed
I really like the sturdiness, look, and function of this bed. This would be an awesome product if it were not for all the problems. Serious quality control issues and customer support was no help in getting replacement parts. I ended up with a damaged bed and no recourse to get it resolved. Sorry, but I cannot recommend. Know what you're getting into if you decide to buy.
Dont over tighten the screws.
This is a very nice bed. My daughter loves it. It was a bit of work to put together but not too bad. People that are seeing cracks are probably over tightening the screws. They will let you tighten them further than they need to be. If the head is sinking into the wood then it's time stop. Also 2 extra slats on the ends (there is a nice channel already cut to put them in) will stop the mattress corners from dipping down. After a few months the bed is sturdy and no cracks seen anywhere.
Love !
My step son is 6 andand he absolutely loves it !
Cute bed but cracked parts
Our daughter loves the end result. The color and height are great with the room. Its the perfect size if you need a little extra space in a small room but dont want your kid in a tall loft bed. The only downfall is that theres no way of knowing how damaged the product might be, or if damaged at all. Upon opening the box we noticed cracks in a few parts. Not sure if individual pieces are replaceable or not. That is the only disappointing part otherwise its OK.
Definitely buy this!!!
This is an amazing deal! Half the price of the other beds like this from retailers! Very sturdy, I was afraid to purchase from the other reviews but its so sturdy. I think other reviewer were using drills or heavy hands because I had no cracks or problems and I even dropped it a couple times will putting it together! Definitely buy it!
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