My 4 year old granddaughter loves this bed. Everytimei see her, she tells me that she loves her big girl bed. The only pr8 she had with it is she hab to get used to climbing up and down the ladder
Not sturdy at all very shaky at the top. I purchased this for my 3 year old. The ladder is sturdy. But this bed had split in several places less than a year of purchase. Very dissatisfied. I feel its unsafe. Will replace with a bed from rooms to go.
Its a great bed for a kid, we were h pieces but had different prices so we were able to make it work. I paid 149 for this bed and days later it was listed for almost $300
A few of the screws did not go in all the way and are sticking out some due to size inaccuracy of hole-to-screw ratio. But we love it either way. Just wish it was a little easier to assemble
Worth the money !
I used this product for my daughters room, it was easy to assemble and well worth the money ! I love it and it gives her room more space .
Not to tall
My 6 year old loves it.
1 very happpy granddaughter
My 4 year old granddaughter loves this bed. Everytimei see her, she tells me that she loves her big girl bed. The only pr8 she had with it is she hab to get used to climbing up and down the ladder
She loves it
Could be more sturdy
Not good
Pay for what you get
Sturdy, cute, space saving
I got the used one that was for sale and there were a few marks ans gouges, but overall nothing I couldn't hide! For the price I was a good deal.
No rough play on this bed
First the price good by.NOT very surdy,a little wobley,Iwould not recommend a large or heavy child.Great child under 10
Poorly made.
Not sturdy at all very shaky at the top. I purchased this for my 3 year old. The ladder is sturdy. But this bed had split in several places less than a year of purchase. Very dissatisfied. I feel its unsafe. Will replace with a bed from rooms to go.
A great bed for a kid, we were missing some pieces and had extra pieces
Its a great bed for a kid, we were h pieces but had different prices so we were able to make it work. I paid 149 for this bed and days later it was listed for almost $300
Screws sticking out
A few of the screws did not go in all the way and are sticking out some due to size inaccuracy of hole-to-screw ratio. But we love it either way. Just wish it was a little easier to assemble
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