These bunk beds are adorable and sturdy. My toddler loves her new bed and they are low enough that Im not too worried about her moving to the top bunk when she turns four. I cant recommend them enough for little ones!
I got this for my grandchildren and they love it! I like that it is low profile on the top bunk for my 4 year old. The only issue is the slide, its a bit steep. It needs to have a brace on the bottom holding the bottom up in the air a bit and it would be perfect. A little pricey but the grandkids are definitely worth it.
Overall it was a great purchase for my grand daughter.
It takes about 2 hours to assemble and install, from start to finish.
I added 8 slats to the existing slats to support the mattress better.
The packaging was sufficient and the shipping took about a week, as expected.
The bunk bed is extremely heavy in the packaging and a hand truck is necessary to move the boxed bed.
Saved us a lot of room in a small bedroom. My 11 year old actually put this together and he said it was pretty easy. (He couldnt wait so he started without me)
Perfect Bunk Beds For Little Kids!
These bunk beds are adorable and sturdy. My toddler loves her new bed and they are low enough that Im not too worried about her moving to the top bunk when she turns four. I cant recommend them enough for little ones!
Love the bed, slide is great but needs adjustments
I got this for my grandchildren and they love it! I like that it is low profile on the top bunk for my 4 year old. The only issue is the slide, its a bit steep. It needs to have a brace on the bottom holding the bottom up in the air a bit and it would be perfect. A little pricey but the grandkids are definitely worth it.
Looks great and functions well for a childs bunk bed.
Overall it was a great purchase for my grand daughter. It takes about 2 hours to assemble and install, from start to finish. I added 8 slats to the existing slats to support the mattress better. The packaging was sufficient and the shipping took about a week, as expected. The bunk bed is extremely heavy in the packaging and a hand truck is necessary to move the boxed bed.
Perfect for young children
This bed has been great for us! Took my husband and I about two hours, which included help from our kids. Its sturdy and both kids love it!
Had it for hardly a month and already falling apart. Not recommended. Waste of money.
Solid Product
Kids love their beds.
Sturdy and easy to put together
Saved us a lot of room in a small bedroom. My 11 year old actually put this together and he said it was pretty easy. (He couldnt wait so he started without me)
Its smaller than it looks in the picture
It was way smaller than I thought
Hard to assemble, values for money
My boys loved their new low bunk beds
Lots of fun
The kids love the slide and the lower bunk is perfect for the younger one.
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