Pretty easy to assemble. Very cute, sturdy bed for a toddler/ older child. Im sure my girls will outgrow this eventually, but it is nice for a 3year old.
I dont normally leave reviews for products but this is a must! I am absolutely in love with this bed. It is perfect for my 3 and 5 year old. It looks like a rooms to go or city furniture type brand but half the price. The assembling could of been easier but its worth it
My girls worked so hard to earn the bunkbed of their dreams, but their new non-toxic, low VOC bed gives off such an awful chemical smell that they cant even be in their room for extended periods of time, much less sleep in their beautiful new bed. Weve kept two fans on and the windows open for the past two weeks, and the smell still hits you as soon as you open the door to their room. Theyre so sad and Im so upset at the waste of money.
Otherwise, the bed was easy for two people to put together, seems sturdy, looks great, and is a great height for two elementary school kids. Too bad they cant use it.
Great value for the money ! Would have given it a perfect review if it werent for one step that should have been earlier in directions. The two 18 numbered rails should have been included in Step 7 instead of Step 9 but everything else was fine. I was concerned about damaged or missing parts but my shipment was in excellent condition.
Love this bed for my daughters. It is super study.( Ive slept on the top bunk with my daughter a few times her together is about 180lbs) Does require two people to put together. Simple to do if you lay out all the pieces by letter and use a power-drill. I used a 9.5 in twin mattress from sams club and it fits perfectly on the top and bottom bunk. Cheaper on the max and Lilly website but the same quality.
Cute bunk bed
Pretty easy to assemble. Very cute, sturdy bed for a toddler/ older child. Im sure my girls will outgrow this eventually, but it is nice for a 3year old.
In love!!!
I dont normally leave reviews for products but this is a must! I am absolutely in love with this bed. It is perfect for my 3 and 5 year old. It looks like a rooms to go or city furniture type brand but half the price. The assembling could of been easier but its worth it
Horrible smell gives everyone a headache
My girls worked so hard to earn the bunkbed of their dreams, but their new non-toxic, low VOC bed gives off such an awful chemical smell that they cant even be in their room for extended periods of time, much less sleep in their beautiful new bed. Weve kept two fans on and the windows open for the past two weeks, and the smell still hits you as soon as you open the door to their room. Theyre so sad and Im so upset at the waste of money. Otherwise, the bed was easy for two people to put together, seems sturdy, looks great, and is a great height for two elementary school kids. Too bad they cant use it.
Not specific to child names
Very good bed. Even if your kids arent named .
Recommend purchase
Perfect for a small room (10×10) and younger children (ages 4 and 7). Its sturdy, looks nice, and was easy to assemble.
Money well spent!
This bed is perfect for my 3 and 6 year old they love it and I love how I can easily change the sheets and check up on them at night!
Perfect bunk bed for limited ceiling height or small room
Great value for the money ! Would have given it a perfect review if it werent for one step that should have been earlier in directions. The two 18 numbered rails should have been included in Step 7 instead of Step 9 but everything else was fine. I was concerned about damaged or missing parts but my shipment was in excellent condition.
Sturdy safe and good for toddlers
Was a little banged up when it arrived but its still a good buy
Assembly sucks like everything else but very sturdy
I love it. Just sucked putting together if it is your first time. Definitely good idea to have an extra set of hands
Love this bed for my daughters. It is super study.( Ive slept on the top bunk with my daughter a few times her together is about 180lbs) Does require two people to put together. Simple to do if you lay out all the pieces by letter and use a power-drill. I used a 9.5 in twin mattress from sams club and it fits perfectly on the top and bottom bunk. Cheaper on the max and Lilly website but the same quality.
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