Very nice size although I expected it to be taller and deeper, looks sturdy enough but it tilt forward so easily so make sure you secure it to the wall with its mount included with the package.
Its very pretty! Will recommend for sure! It is pretty heavy but the wood looks durable and the assembly was easy, just follow the steps and you cant do it wrong. Overall Im pleased with it and fits my needs!
Works as expected. Is very easy to put together (I did by myself). Light weight and the perfect size for my small kitchen. Its cheap (thats what I pay for) so its not best quality
Perfect size for my needs. Super easy to assemble. However, like others, mine arrived damaged. Its purely cosmetic. needs to step up on the packaging of this product. It will be easy to touch up the damaged corners with paint. I simply shouldnt need to.
I was skeptical to buy this based off many other not so good reviews. That being said, I still did and here is my verdict.
Was there damage to the box it was shipped in / There definitely was! I was nervous to even open it.
Was the cabinet itself damaged? / Yup, but. I noticed, at least with the one I received, most of the damage was on the back parts of the cabinet to where you cant even see it at all. There are a couple very minor nicks on the front and sides, but honestly not that noticeable. I also just happen to have a cabinet touch up marker similar in color, which made all the little nicks completely disappear.
Was it easy to put together / Yes, it was very easy to put together without any help, anyone who says otherwise is just not a handy person. Make sure you dont use a power drill or you may strip the wood your screwing into, only hand tighten.
Would I buy it again? / Definitely, for the price it was an overall good buy. I didnt have high expectations from the get go once again based off the bad reviews, however Im glad I didnt listen to them.
Nice easy
Was what i expected
Its Alright
It works. Get what you pay for I guess. Kinda flimsy but there are screws to insert for the back so that it wont fall.
Good price for cabinet
Used this product for a pantry. Works well.
Nice size and easy install
Very nice size although I expected it to be taller and deeper, looks sturdy enough but it tilt forward so easily so make sure you secure it to the wall with its mount included with the package.
Great purchase!!
The cabinet is great for the money. Seems sturdy and appears to be good quality. Fits a good amount of stuff.
Perfect size for my need
Its very pretty! Will recommend for sure! It is pretty heavy but the wood looks durable and the assembly was easy, just follow the steps and you cant do it wrong. Overall Im pleased with it and fits my needs!
Wouldnt recommend putting heavy cans but we use it for seasonings .
We have no pantry in our house so this comes in handy!! Wouldnt recommend putting heavy cans but we use it for seasonings and like box food!
Perfect size
Works as expected. Is very easy to put together (I did by myself). Light weight and the perfect size for my small kitchen. Its cheap (thats what I pay for) so its not best quality
Perfection with an exception.
Perfect size for my needs. Super easy to assemble. However, like others, mine arrived damaged. Its purely cosmetic. needs to step up on the packaging of this product. It will be easy to touch up the damaged corners with paint. I simply shouldnt need to.
All in all.
I was skeptical to buy this based off many other not so good reviews. That being said, I still did and here is my verdict. Was there damage to the box it was shipped in / There definitely was! I was nervous to even open it. Was the cabinet itself damaged? / Yup, but. I noticed, at least with the one I received, most of the damage was on the back parts of the cabinet to where you cant even see it at all. There are a couple very minor nicks on the front and sides, but honestly not that noticeable. I also just happen to have a cabinet touch up marker similar in color, which made all the little nicks completely disappear. Was it easy to put together / Yes, it was very easy to put together without any help, anyone who says otherwise is just not a handy person. Make sure you dont use a power drill or you may strip the wood your screwing into, only hand tighten. Would I buy it again? / Definitely, for the price it was an overall good buy. I didnt have high expectations from the get go once again based off the bad reviews, however Im glad I didnt listen to them.
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