Easy to assemble with well written instructions. Lightweight but sturdy. Fits perfectly in the small bedroom and leaves great space underneath for play or storage. So pretty in hot pink, she loves it.
The only thing negative about this is the ladder. The steps are thin slippery and uncomfortable, But some grip tape helps. And be sure you use a thin mattress ,not a normal twin mattress
My daughter loves this bed. I thought it may be too high for her but she loves it and being able to have space underneath is awesome as her room is not that big. Id reccomend
Very nice loft bed and perfect for a 4 year old. The space underneath is really nice for organizing their things. The bed has a 200 lbs weight limit, so not ideal if someone needs to lay with the child before they go to sleep.
I received my purchase one day ahead of time. The robust package material well protects its product It took me a while to assemble it. It turned out to be a beautiful furniture with a very decent appearance. I love its smooth and shining look. It has 22 plats which I like. My only concern is that it supports only up to 200 lbs (I want 300 lbs). But giving the 133 asking price for a black loft twin bed, this bed provides the best value. It functions well, very study, the height is right to have ample storage space underneath the bed.
So pretty! Perfect for small bedroom.
Easy to assemble with well written instructions. Lightweight but sturdy. Fits perfectly in the small bedroom and leaves great space underneath for play or storage. So pretty in hot pink, she loves it.
Great for the price
The only thing negative about this is the ladder. The steps are thin slippery and uncomfortable, But some grip tape helps. And be sure you use a thin mattress ,not a normal twin mattress
Great bed!!
Great bed for my nine year old daughter. We put it together in two hours.
Great product for the price
My daughter loves this bed. I thought it may be too high for her but she loves it and being able to have space underneath is awesome as her room is not that big. Id reccomend
Great for small spaces.
Perfect bed for my boys! We have a book book under the bed!
Ok for price
Cheap looking
Cute loft bed
Very nice loft bed and perfect for a 4 year old. The space underneath is really nice for organizing their things. The bed has a 200 lbs weight limit, so not ideal if someone needs to lay with the child before they go to sleep.
Unaligned holes
I give it a 3 because a few of the holes wouldnt line up, so some screws arent able to go in at all. Dont feel like thats very safe for my child.
I am very happy with my new bed
I received my purchase one day ahead of time. The robust package material well protects its product It took me a while to assemble it. It turned out to be a beautiful furniture with a very decent appearance. I love its smooth and shining look. It has 22 plats which I like. My only concern is that it supports only up to 200 lbs (I want 300 lbs). But giving the 133 asking price for a black loft twin bed, this bed provides the best value. It functions well, very study, the height is right to have ample storage space underneath the bed.
Its fine
A little bit of a pain, but once together it is quite sturdy. Same brand as the bunk beds we have and theyre still good after 4+years.
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