My wife and I bought this bed for our son. Its high enough off the ground to sit on a beanbag chair or to lay on a sleeping bag but low enough that we dont have to worry about the ceiling fan. Each part was labeled with a sticker, the instructions were easy to follow, the bed was relatively easy to assemble, and its pretty sturdy. I would buy this again.
This bed was super easy to set up and the directions were very clear. I set this up by myself withy 4.5 year olds help. I would prefer the side bars to be a little higher but I also believe his memory foam mattress is a little taller than what the bed frame calls for. With that said I just bought a body pillow and tuck it under and place a few pillows between the body pillow and him and that works just great and givese peace of mind. Everything fits under his bed and it keeps his room so clean and put together!!
Bought This for my 4 old we were trying to make a little bit more room by having a little loft area underneath also giving her seating area. I think this is perfect as her first bed on her own and her own room. It was easy to put together and I was able to do so quickly very happy with it
At first I did not think it would be very sturdy or safe but after putting it together and watching the kids play. It is a great buy. Very sturdy and durable.
This is a good bed for younger kids when transitioning them from toddler to bed to big girl/boy beds. The instructions were clear, but unfortunately a few of the pieces needed to be modified on the two beds I purchased. There were holes that werent put into the rods that we needed. So, my husband modified it the best he could. The ladder is a bit flimsy, so Id suggest telling your children not to hang on it too much. They seem easy to break. The bed is a good height. Id suggest these beds, but keep in mind you may have to make some changes to them. 5/10
I got this bed frame for 99 and the shipment was fast I got it a couple days early and it was kinda hard putting it together by my self but I got the job done the bed frame definitely a lot taller than it looks Im 59 and it goes a bit above my chest definitely wouldnt feel safe putting a kid up here though but underneath the bed you cant sit under it with a desk a kid can with a little kid table but teens no you can setup a reading area underneath and can fit at least 5 plastic dresser from Walmart
It was easy to assemble for the most part it was missing two holes for the rails but was able to put a screw in each end of the rail. I think it was worth it for the money.
Great bed frame for little money
My wife and I bought this bed for our son. Its high enough off the ground to sit on a beanbag chair or to lay on a sleeping bag but low enough that we dont have to worry about the ceiling fan. Each part was labeled with a sticker, the instructions were easy to follow, the bed was relatively easy to assemble, and its pretty sturdy. I would buy this again.
You will not regret purchasing this bed!!
This bed was super easy to set up and the directions were very clear. I set this up by myself withy 4.5 year olds help. I would prefer the side bars to be a little higher but I also believe his memory foam mattress is a little taller than what the bed frame calls for. With that said I just bought a body pillow and tuck it under and place a few pillows between the body pillow and him and that works just great and givese peace of mind. Everything fits under his bed and it keeps his room so clean and put together!!
Great value great bed difficult assembly
This bed is great if you have low ceilings but need bunk beds, just be aware it is difficult to assemble and may take 2 people to put together.
Great for my 4 year old!
Bought This for my 4 old we were trying to make a little bit more room by having a little loft area underneath also giving her seating area. I think this is perfect as her first bed on her own and her own room. It was easy to put together and I was able to do so quickly very happy with it
It is a very low loft bed
Was upset that it is so low. Was hoping to have a queen bed underneath for other kids but to short of a loft bed
At first I did not think it would be very sturdy or safe but after putting it together and watching the kids play. It is a great buy. Very sturdy and durable.
Great starter loft bed for little ones.
This is a good bed for younger kids when transitioning them from toddler to bed to big girl/boy beds. The instructions were clear, but unfortunately a few of the pieces needed to be modified on the two beds I purchased. There were holes that werent put into the rods that we needed. So, my husband modified it the best he could. The ladder is a bit flimsy, so Id suggest telling your children not to hang on it too much. They seem easy to break. The bed is a good height. Id suggest these beds, but keep in mind you may have to make some changes to them. 5/10
By daughter loved it!!
Very cute, my daughter loved it! Pretty spacious for a 6/7 year old
Shipment was fast worth the price 99
I got this bed frame for 99 and the shipment was fast I got it a couple days early and it was kinda hard putting it together by my self but I got the job done the bed frame definitely a lot taller than it looks Im 59 and it goes a bit above my chest definitely wouldnt feel safe putting a kid up here though but underneath the bed you cant sit under it with a desk a kid can with a little kid table but teens no you can setup a reading area underneath and can fit at least 5 plastic dresser from Walmart
Easy to assemble for the most part
It was easy to assemble for the most part it was missing two holes for the rails but was able to put a screw in each end of the rail. I think it was worth it for the money.
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