It went together well and is sturdy. I wish it was able to be assembled the other direction without sacrificing the proper assembly points. However, I was able to assemble it backwards with relative ease. It works better in our space in the opposite direction.
Assembly was a little difficult since the boards and some of the metal pieces dont have an orientation, they have a letter attached to them to know where it goes sort of. But until you are half way done, then you see what you did wrong and you swap or turn the items correctly.
Its decent for the price. Top board on edge and corners appear faded and ready to peel on one side. But the biggest issue is the sliding keyboard, which costs about as much as the desk, is to large to sit between the bars. Had to puchase a much cheaper keyboard slide to work around the bars. Hope it works!
I put this together so easily. Simple directions and you dont need screwdriver or drill. Equipment came with needed tool. Very sturdy and lots of leg room
Was a bit concerned at first since the box did come damaged so i was already thinking i was going to have to return it but to my surprise it was not damaged and it fits great in my living room corner i needed a small desk to work from home and im in love..
Its perfect for my little appt , working from home is made comfortable and easy. Love the color and its sturdy. Easy to build
Great desk at great value
It went together well and is sturdy. I wish it was able to be assembled the other direction without sacrificing the proper assembly points. However, I was able to assemble it backwards with relative ease. It works better in our space in the opposite direction.
God for the price.
Assembly was a little difficult since the boards and some of the metal pieces dont have an orientation, they have a letter attached to them to know where it goes sort of. But until you are half way done, then you see what you did wrong and you swap or turn the items correctly.
Received shipment looking like it had gone thru shredder
Box had several holes, metal bars poking thru the box were severely bent. Cant even put it together.
Faded/pulled edge. Bars block sliding keyboard
Its decent for the price. Top board on edge and corners appear faded and ready to peel on one side. But the biggest issue is the sliding keyboard, which costs about as much as the desk, is to large to sit between the bars. Had to puchase a much cheaper keyboard slide to work around the bars. Hope it works!
My gf absolutely loves it looks amazing as well
Love the way it looks.
my husband loves this desk. Height is perfect. Sturdy.
Great purchase
I put this together so easily. Simple directions and you dont need screwdriver or drill. Equipment came with needed tool. Very sturdy and lots of leg room
Was a bit concerned at first since the box did come damaged so i was already thinking i was going to have to return it but to my surprise it was not damaged and it fits great in my living room corner i needed a small desk to work from home and im in love..
It is small as advertised
The desk was easy to set up (not the cross bar portion!!) it is also a bit small but has a lovely modern look
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