Were very happy with this bed. Weve had it for a month. It went together easily. Its sturdy enough, and doesnt squeak. Im sure it wont last for generations, but we werent looking for that.
Great price and is very sturdy. Ive put this thing to the test by installing a custom swing on the top rails and it holds me at 200 pounds bouncing up and down.
The frame is very pretty, hence the reason I purchased it. The box was ridiculously heavy and look a minute to get into the house. Due to shipping I received the frame with a few visible dents and scratches. The assembly aspect was okay. It took me just under 2 hours to assemble alone. I would absolutely recommend having a partner help. There are certain aspects that were difficult, but not impossible alone. I have had the frame just over a month and only recently started to notice creaking and noise coming from the frame. We will see how long I can stand that before switching up from frame. Overall value and rating would be a 3 out of 5, again aesthetics are in point, but quality is lackluster.
So Cute
So cute and easy to put together.
Perfect for the price.
Easy to assemble and very study
Great for the price.
Were very happy with this bed. Weve had it for a month. It went together easily. Its sturdy enough, and doesnt squeak. Im sure it wont last for generations, but we werent looking for that.
Very strong build. Very good buy for the money.
Great price and is very sturdy. Ive put this thing to the test by installing a custom swing on the top rails and it holds me at 200 pounds bouncing up and down.
3 out of 5
The frame is very pretty, hence the reason I purchased it. The box was ridiculously heavy and look a minute to get into the house. Due to shipping I received the frame with a few visible dents and scratches. The assembly aspect was okay. It took me just under 2 hours to assemble alone. I would absolutely recommend having a partner help. There are certain aspects that were difficult, but not impossible alone. I have had the frame just over a month and only recently started to notice creaking and noise coming from the frame. We will see how long I can stand that before switching up from frame. Overall value and rating would be a 3 out of 5, again aesthetics are in point, but quality is lackluster.
Questionable buy
This frame looks nice. It is very noisy however and I definitely recommend getting a box spring!
Not Durable Makes a lot of squeaking noises when your move in bed
Very fashionable!!
Ive always wanted a canopy bed and this fits the bill!! Easy to assemble and fits with every color scheme!
High and sturdy
Very high off the floor so plenty of under/bed storage space. Sturdier than I anticipated.
Even nicer in person
It looks just as nice or even better in person. Strongly recommend 2 ppl put it together. It is NOT difficult just a little time consuming. I love it.
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