We couldnt be happier with this bed. Looks and feels very high-end.
Took a little while to assemble, but was pretty easy. Instructions were clear and all parts were included.
The bed is sturdy and just gorgeous!
loveeee this bed. It is not hard to assemble, but time consuming. It comes with everything you need to put it together, plus extra parts. Looks great! My daughter loveeees it.
This bed frame is beautiful. It is the perfect pastel pink and the fabric feels very durable. The headboard is glorious. It feels very sturdy as well. Assembly was super easy; I received all of the parts needed, along with extra screws and slat caps, and they were all properly labeled. The instructions were very clear and included very helpful pictures. I used my own screwdriver, but the tool included would have worked just fine too. In the instructions, it recommended at least two people for assembly that would take 1.5 hours, but I (a 20 year old woman) got it done by myself in 2 hours. I highly recommend this bed, especially for the price.
This bed is so high quality, great price, and was very easy to assemble. The color is exactly as it looks in the pictures (purchased gray color). It looks super high end. The assembly instructions were straight forward and even included extra pieces.
The bed is really nice, not difficult to assemble, and seems well designed to be sturdy. However, we got the light green and its absolutely NOT green. Its teal. Very clearly teal. Do not order this if youre looking for green. This is a big disappointment for me, but otherwise the bed seems good. Im guessing none of the colors shown are accurate, so buyer beware. I would never have ordered this in teal.
Great BED!!
Im so happy with this bed; I bought 3!! I loveeee the look and quality! great price.., worth it!
Not green
Its not green at all likeeee photo its more blue so I was sad
Stunning bed!
We couldnt be happier with this bed. Looks and feels very high-end. Took a little while to assemble, but was pretty easy. Instructions were clear and all parts were included. The bed is sturdy and just gorgeous!
Great bed, looks so nice
loveeee this bed. It is not hard to assemble, but time consuming. It comes with everything you need to put it together, plus extra parts. Looks great! My daughter loveeees it.
Beautiful, definitely worth the buy
This bed frame is beautiful. It is the perfect pastel pink and the fabric feels very durable. The headboard is glorious. It feels very sturdy as well. Assembly was super easy; I received all of the parts needed, along with extra screws and slat caps, and they were all properly labeled. The instructions were very clear and included very helpful pictures. I used my own screwdriver, but the tool included would have worked just fine too. In the instructions, it recommended at least two people for assembly that would take 1.5 hours, but I (a 20 year old woman) got it done by myself in 2 hours. I highly recommend this bed, especially for the price.
Would purchase again in a heartbeat!
This bed is so high quality, great price, and was very easy to assemble. The color is exactly as it looks in the pictures (purchased gray color). It looks super high end. The assembly instructions were straight forward and even included extra pieces.
Perfect! As expected!
Worth every penny!
Im in loveeee. Was easy to set up. The color was a little darker then I expected but it works!
Good bed Bad color!
The bed is really nice, not difficult to assemble, and seems well designed to be sturdy. However, we got the light green and its absolutely NOT green. Its teal. Very clearly teal. Do not order this if youre looking for green. This is a big disappointment for me, but otherwise the bed seems good. Im guessing none of the colors shown are accurate, so buyer beware. I would never have ordered this in teal.
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