Everybody takes the time to complain... I want to say that the seller shipped (and received) the item on time, and the item was exactly likee it!! was described. I really appreciate a no drama purchase! Thanks everybody!
Easy to assemble (took about 30 mins to put together with one other person) and so sturdy! Has room for storage underneath and holes to attach a headboard. Highly recommend!
The only thing that keeps me from rating this product higher is that the mattress slides so easily on the frame. The slightest touch sends the mattress sliding over the frame
This bed frame is solidly built and was easy to assemble. It is perfect for a boys bedroom. I likee that it sits high off the ground, so you can use a mattress without a box spring. There is plenty of storage underneath, which is nice!!! too.
I got this for my son who just turned 4 years old. It was so much easier to assemble than the wooden (or rather particle board) one I put together for his 5 year old brother. It also seems to be better quality. It is compact but I had no problems fitting the twin mattress on it. Looks good!!!. Has plenty of room underneath and easy to keep clean under it. Im happy with this product.
We were very happy with this frame. Once it was assembled, it really shined! Sturdy and best of all QUIET! It holds its form likee a rock and I never once felt likee it!! was under any stress no matter what we did on it.
Excellent quality and value.
I have put together a lot of furniture. We change our minds a lot and have moved a lot so nothing lasts too long with us. This frame and headboard was the best engineered I have ever encountered. The screws fit and the holes were perfect and it is very sturdy. It may need tightening in the future, but so far so good!!!.
came quickly and very sturdy--everything as promised--im satisfied---BILL
good!!! product ---good!!! price--im happy no squeeks !!!!---BILL Style
Easy to assemble and sturdy
Easy to assemble and sturdy Needs more colors
Ontime and exactly as described...
Everybody takes the time to complain... I want to say that the seller shipped (and received) the item on time, and the item was exactly likee it!! was described. I really appreciate a no drama purchase! Thanks everybody!
Great Buy at a Great Price
Easy to assemble (took about 30 mins to put together with one other person) and so sturdy! Has room for storage underneath and holes to attach a headboard. Highly recommend!
Well made, easy to assemble.
The only thing that keeps me from rating this product higher is that the mattress slides so easily on the frame. The slightest touch sends the mattress sliding over the frame
Nice Sturdy Bed Frame
This bed frame is solidly built and was easy to assemble. It is perfect for a boys bedroom. I likee that it sits high off the ground, so you can use a mattress without a box spring. There is plenty of storage underneath, which is nice!!! too.
Mattress slides
Easy to assemble but no where for the mattress to drop into. It just sits on top of frame and slides when you sit it.
I had no issues with this bed
I got this for my son who just turned 4 years old. It was so much easier to assemble than the wooden (or rather particle board) one I put together for his 5 year old brother. It also seems to be better quality. It is compact but I had no problems fitting the twin mattress on it. Looks good!!!. Has plenty of room underneath and easy to keep clean under it. Im happy with this product.
Sturdy and quiet!
We were very happy with this frame. Once it was assembled, it really shined! Sturdy and best of all QUIET! It holds its form likee a rock and I never once felt likee it!! was under any stress no matter what we did on it. Excellent quality and value.
sturdy metal instead of wood.
I have put together a lot of furniture. We change our minds a lot and have moved a lot so nothing lasts too long with us. This frame and headboard was the best engineered I have ever encountered. The screws fit and the holes were perfect and it is very sturdy. It may need tightening in the future, but so far so good!!!.
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