This chair is super cute and the color is very accurate to the pictures. Its just big enough that I can sit cross legged in it without feeling cramped. Putting it together was very simple. The only reason Im not giving it 5 stars is because the seat cushion is very very firm. Im hoping that over time it will soften a bit or i will use a throw pillow to balance it out.
I really love this. It took me maybe 10 minutes to put together. Its sturdy but very comfortable and the height can be adjusted. The color is gorgeous too and the feels nice. The shipping was also a lot faster than expected.
Adorable chair!
It took a hammer to get the wheels inserted. The seat is fairly comfortable. It looks very stylish.
buy it buy it buy it now!
This chair arrived yesterday and so far I am in love! Im hope it lasts but Im going to take good care of it! I want like four more!
Quick shipping
Arrived in two days. I love it. Its comfy and cute.
This chair is super cute and the color is very accurate to the pictures. Its just big enough that I can sit cross legged in it without feeling cramped. Putting it together was very simple. The only reason Im not giving it 5 stars is because the seat cushion is very very firm. Im hoping that over time it will soften a bit or i will use a throw pillow to balance it out.
I really love this. It took me maybe 10 minutes to put together. Its sturdy but very comfortable and the height can be adjusted. The color is gorgeous too and the feels nice. The shipping was also a lot faster than expected.
The product was delivered in 2 days. 6 days before the expected due date
Just wish the back was a little bit higher
Great purchase
Comfortable, cute and super easy to set up!! Takes less than five minutes!!!
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