This chair was very well packaged and the assembly was easy. All parts fit perfectly and were manufactured with precision. The overall quality of the chair is excellent for the price. However, there is one issue, depending on the size of the person using the chair. The specs list the length of the seat (back to front) as 22.05 inches. Thats the length from back to front of the entire chair. The actual usable seating length (back to front) is about 17.5 inches, several inches shorter than many full/sized desk chairs which have at least 20 inches of usable seating area. Bottom line, this chair may not be a comfortable option for anyone over 5 ft 8 in. or someone looking for substantial upper leg support.
The chair looks wonderful, except that you slide out of it when you sit on it and my back kills me at the end of the day No support whatsoever looks pretty, but feels awful
Its too late to return it sadly
Bought this for my 220 pd, 6 foot husband. Was a lttle worried about some reviews that said it was small. Fits him fine. He says its comfortable and really likes it.
Fit in my limited space.
Better looking than many Ive seen in office stores.
Great chair with one potential issue
This chair was very well packaged and the assembly was easy. All parts fit perfectly and were manufactured with precision. The overall quality of the chair is excellent for the price. However, there is one issue, depending on the size of the person using the chair. The specs list the length of the seat (back to front) as 22.05 inches. Thats the length from back to front of the entire chair. The actual usable seating length (back to front) is about 17.5 inches, several inches shorter than many full/sized desk chairs which have at least 20 inches of usable seating area. Bottom line, this chair may not be a comfortable option for anyone over 5 ft 8 in. or someone looking for substantial upper leg support.
Office chair
Love this chair! Great for the price. Very easy to assemble. All the hardware needed was included in the packaging.
UNCOMFORTABLE SEAT, Horrible ergonomics
The chair looks wonderful, except that you slide out of it when you sit on it and my back kills me at the end of the day No support whatsoever looks pretty, but feels awful Its too late to return it sadly
Best Chair I ever bought
If you are a short person this the right chair for you.
Very nice
Very sturdy and comfortable!
A quality chair at an excellent price.
Exactly as described and exactly what I needed. Appears to be solidly constructed, and an excellent value at its price.
This chair is so comfortable. I look forward to using it next semester while teaching online.
Good value chair for home office
Easy to assemble. Good value. Provides reasonable back support. Comfortable
Fits my husbands size
Bought this for my 220 pd, 6 foot husband. Was a lttle worried about some reviews that said it was small. Fits him fine. He says its comfortable and really likes it.
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