Our twins LOVE the beds. Assembly took about 4 hours. The instructions and order of assembly are not intuitive, and the identifying numbers/letters were not easy to read. Overall, very happy with product. Shipping was fast and the seller was very responsive to questions.
It was very easy to assemble took me about two and a half hours. Very sturdy and great price. Once built I did notice it had a few chip but nothing major. Overall it’s great!
We absolutely love these (full over full) bunk beds. It’s great quality, cute, and easy to put together. We have not installed the trundle, but we have it ready to be put together when we decide the storage space under the bed isn’t needed more.
This bed turned out great, but it took my husband and I over 4 hours to put together. Thats the only thing I didnt like about it. There were also a few missing screws, only for the rails on the top bunk, but our oldest isnt a crazy sleeper so were not worried of them coming loose.
Wow!! We are SO pleased with this bunkbed setup. My husband and I took our time and did a bed a day.
The workmanship and quality of parts are second to none. Nice color. Even the bolts are colored. Nice finished product.
I do believe we will get two thin sheets of plywood though for under our mattresses as they are spring.
Absolutely beautiful and well made....looked at it in a specialty furniture store for double the price. I did most of the assembly solo and it was fine... especially if you are used to this type of thing.
I like that this bed is white and not off white so it matched the dresser. Took my husband about 2 hours to assemble. He only needed my help holding a piece on one end so he could assemble or put screws on the other side. First thing we did was organize all pieces in alphabetical order. The instructions were very clear, so if you follow them exactly, it will turn out great! We also liked that the bid has more slats than other beds I looked at . It also has extra pieces that add extra sturdiness which have us piece of mind that it was safe and solid. We’re very happy with this purchase.
Very sturdy! Good clearance on bottom bunk bed for adults. Better than most bunk beds because it holds 400 pounds on each bunk and the trundle. No worries if you happen to have adults using them.
Easy to assemble.
It was easy to put together, took 30 minutes total. It fit perfectly and my kids love it.
Great beds
Our twins LOVE the beds. Assembly took about 4 hours. The instructions and order of assembly are not intuitive, and the identifying numbers/letters were not easy to read. Overall, very happy with product. Shipping was fast and the seller was very responsive to questions.
Great quality and not too pricey
It was very easy to assemble took me about two and a half hours. Very sturdy and great price. Once built I did notice it had a few chip but nothing major. Overall it’s great!
Good Bed!
Solid bed, would recommend. There was an issue with the delivery, but got in contact with the seller who resolved my issue quickly.
Great Quality and Beautiful!
We absolutely love these (full over full) bunk beds. It’s great quality, cute, and easy to put together. We have not installed the trundle, but we have it ready to be put together when we decide the storage space under the bed isn’t needed more.
Good Value, Time Consuming Assembly
This bed turned out great, but it took my husband and I over 4 hours to put together. Thats the only thing I didnt like about it. There were also a few missing screws, only for the rails on the top bunk, but our oldest isnt a crazy sleeper so were not worried of them coming loose.
Now Thats Quality!
Wow!! We are SO pleased with this bunkbed setup. My husband and I took our time and did a bed a day. The workmanship and quality of parts are second to none. Nice color. Even the bolts are colored. Nice finished product. I do believe we will get two thin sheets of plywood though for under our mattresses as they are spring.
Get it!
Absolutely beautiful and well made....looked at it in a specialty furniture store for double the price. I did most of the assembly solo and it was fine... especially if you are used to this type of thing.
Great Bed and Value
I like that this bed is white and not off white so it matched the dresser. Took my husband about 2 hours to assemble. He only needed my help holding a piece on one end so he could assemble or put screws on the other side. First thing we did was organize all pieces in alphabetical order. The instructions were very clear, so if you follow them exactly, it will turn out great! We also liked that the bid has more slats than other beds I looked at . It also has extra pieces that add extra sturdiness which have us piece of mind that it was safe and solid. We’re very happy with this purchase.
Very sturdy! Good clearance on bottom bunk bed for adults. Better than most bunk beds because it holds 400 pounds on each bunk and the trundle. No worries if you happen to have adults using them.
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