Was worried about not being able to see it before purchasing, but it is great! My kids love it. It seems sturdy and was super easy and fast to assemble. It was missing a few of the dowel rods, but a couple of dollars at Lowes and that was an easy fix.
Great product, my kids love it. It’s very sturdy and solid. My only complaint would be that half the hardware was missing, which made putting it together challenging for obvious reasons. I thankfully had hardware at home that worked
Just get a good mattress. We did not and that decreases my satisfaction. The kids (6 and 3) love this bunk bed and the cubbies to hide things away. The bottom trundle bed is not on a track. It’s on wheels setting on the floor, so it can be a little frustrating to get it aligned so it will slide back under the bottom bunk. The assembly is time consuming, you will need space and two people at minimum.
This is the second time Im buying this product. It looks great is is perfect for the kids. They all love being together. It takes a little while to assemble. We have owned it for about 1 month and so far they are holding up well.
The bed was nice after we finally got it assembled. It took about 10 hours plus a trip to the hardware store to get extra pieces and tools needed to fabricate and make it work. Putting this together was a complete nightmare pieces were miss marked, double marked or not marked at all. Would only suggest getting this if you have alot of patience or carpentry skills.
instruction could be better
Very well made and sturdy
?My grand daughters room
Shes a beauty
This set is well made. However give yourself several hours to assemble. Remember it takes two men and a boy to carry it down the stairs.
Great item for the price!
Was worried about not being able to see it before purchasing, but it is great! My kids love it. It seems sturdy and was super easy and fast to assemble. It was missing a few of the dowel rods, but a couple of dollars at Lowes and that was an easy fix.
Great product, difficult to assemble
Great product, my kids love it. It’s very sturdy and solid. My only complaint would be that half the hardware was missing, which made putting it together challenging for obvious reasons. I thankfully had hardware at home that worked
Kids love it. I’m happy I don’t have to climb a ladder.
Just get a good mattress. We did not and that decreases my satisfaction. The kids (6 and 3) love this bunk bed and the cubbies to hide things away. The bottom trundle bed is not on a track. It’s on wheels setting on the floor, so it can be a little frustrating to get it aligned so it will slide back under the bottom bunk. The assembly is time consuming, you will need space and two people at minimum.
Great Product and Looks Great
This is the second time Im buying this product. It looks great is is perfect for the kids. They all love being together. It takes a little while to assemble. We have owned it for about 1 month and so far they are holding up well.
Bed pieces were miss marked
The bed was nice after we finally got it assembled. It took about 10 hours plus a trip to the hardware store to get extra pieces and tools needed to fabricate and make it work. Putting this together was a complete nightmare pieces were miss marked, double marked or not marked at all. Would only suggest getting this if you have alot of patience or carpentry skills.
Decent bed
So far so good. Took a long time to put together and was missing some bolts but they were easy to find at the hardware store
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