My daughter is 20 months and she loves this! Perfect for indoor use also! Very sturdy and weight limit up to 155 lbs so she can use it for a while. Easy to assemble.
Very sturdy. We brought it out for my 2 year olds birthday and most of the kids were jumping on it. 1-2 toddlers at a time and it held up very well. Does not look or feel cheap at all.
great item
great item and the kids love it
My 3 year old nephew loves his jumper . He loves to destroy things (because he's a 3 Y/O boy) and has not even scrathed this.
For all ages
Just like the picture
Very good product. Item was described perfectly and was shipped quickly.
Very good product. Item was described perfectly and was shipped quickly.
Your kids will have a blast!
My kids love this trampoline. It was easy to put together and is very sturdy!
Absolutely perfect for toddlers!
My daughter is 20 months and she loves this! Perfect for indoor use also! Very sturdy and weight limit up to 155 lbs so she can use it for a while. Easy to assemble.
Very sturdy
Very sturdy. We brought it out for my 2 year olds birthday and most of the kids were jumping on it. 1-2 toddlers at a time and it held up very well. Does not look or feel cheap at all.
Granddaughter loves her rampoline!
It is perfect for the 3 year old I gave it to as a gift. He loves it. It took two men to put it together.
Easy setup
Had it assembled and disassembled in minutes
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